====== Tranferència dels ParaVision 4.0, 5.0 i 5.1 ======
En comptes d'instal·lar les diferents versions del ParaVision des dels DVD d'instal·lació, provo a tranferir les carpetes de les diferents versions del ParaVision instal·lades a l'estació de treball HP xw4300 actual,
===== Mida de les particions al BioSpec =====
Aquestes són les particions definides als dos discos durs de l'estació de treball actual:
[root@cie-55-30 opt]# df -hl
Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda5 20G 5.3G 14G 29% /
/dev/sda2 494M 23M 446M 5% /boot
/dev/sda3 20G 18G 320M 99% /home
/dev/sda7 104G 89G 11G 90% /opt
none 1.8G 0 1.8G 0% /dev/shm
/dev/sdb1 459G 270G 166G 62% /BiospecData
Un cop transferit el contingut d'interès a ///opt//, caldrà comprovar què hi ha a ///home// i decidir què cal transferir.
===== Mida de les carpetes a /opt al BioSpec =====
[root@cie-55-30 opt]# du -hs /opt/*
8.0K /opt/backupHOWTO.sxw
17M /opt/dd-4096-rser-file
33M /opt/dd-8192-rser-file
116K /opt/first_steps_readme-new.pdf
20M /opt/gnuplot-4.0.0
2.1M /opt/gnuplot-4.0.0.tar.gz
83M /opt/hp
16K /opt/lost+found
41G /opt/Photorec
37G /opt/PV4.0
15M /opt/PV4.0 Distribution Documentation
2.0G /opt/PV5.0
9.5G /opt/Pv5.1
335M /opt/Technical Documentation for BioSpec and PharmaScan Systems
Si descartem la carpeta ///opt/Photorec//, les carpetes a transferir fan un total aproximat de 60 GBytes, i no hauríem de tenir problemes per transferir-les al volum lògic ///opt// de 100 GBytes a la nova estació de treball.
===== Problema amb la transferència i solució =====
El primer intent de transferir la carpeta ///opt/PV5.0// dóna un error,
root@cie-50-205:/opt# rsync -Hvax --progress --stats sermn@cie-55-30.uab.cat:/opt/PV5.0 .
The authenticity of host 'cie-55-30.uab.cat (' can't be established.
RSA key fingerprint is f0:85:77:15:56:fe:91:c0:b0:b9:ed:ec:59:bf:30:60.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
Warning: Permanently added 'cie-55-30.uab.cat,' (RSA) to the list of known hosts.
sermn@cie-55-30.uab.cat's password:
protocol version mismatch - is your shell clean?
(see the rsync man page for an explanation)
rsync error: protocol incompatibility (code 2) at compat.c(62)
rsync: connection unexpectedly closed (0 bytes received so far) [Receiver]
rsync error: error in rsync protocol data stream (code 12) at io.c(226) [Receiver=3.1.1]
Als següents enllaços s'explica una possible causa de l'error i cóm resoldre'l: esborrar o canviar el nom del fitxer //.bashrc//,
* [[http://serverfault.com/questions/304125/rsync-seems-incompatible-with-bashrc-causes-is-your-shell-clean | Rsync seems incompatible with .bashrc (causes “is your shell clean?”)]]
* [[http://platonic.techfiz.info/2008/10/rsync-error-protocol-incompatibility/ | rsync error: protocol incompatibility]]
* [[http://derpturkey.com/wtf-protocol-version-mismatch-is-your-shell-clean/ | WTF! protocol version mismatch - is your shell clean?]]
malauradament, la solució de canviar el nom del fitxer //~/.bashrc// no funciona en aquest cas,
root@cie-50-205:/opt# rsync -Hvax --progress --stats sermn@cie-55-30.uab.cat:/opt/PV5.0 .
sermn@cie-55-30.uab.cat's password:
protocol version mismatch - is your shell clean?
(see the rsync man page for an explanation)
rsync error: protocol incompatibility (code 2) at compat.c(62)
rsync: connection unexpectedly closed (0 bytes received so far) [Receiver]
rsync error: error in rsync protocol data stream (code 12) at io.c(226) [Receiver=3.1.1]
i amb una cerca més exhaustiva a Internet trobo que el problema és que la versió de //rsync// a l'estació de treball del BioSpec és massa vella i que no és compatible amb el protocol de la versió de //rsync// a la nova estació de treball. Per resoldre el problema cal indicar a aquesta darrera que empri una versió anterior del protocol fent servir l'opció ''--protocol="30"''.
===== Transferència del PV 5.0 =====
==== Transferència incompleta ====
root@cie-50-205:/opt# rsync -Hvax --verbose --progress --stats --protocol="30" sermn@cie-55-30.uab.cat:/opt/PV5.0 .
opening connection using: ssh -l sermn cie-55-30.uab.cat rsync --server --sender -vvlHogDtprxe.iLsfx . /opt/PV5.0 (10 args)
sermn@cie-55-30.uab.cat's password:
receiving file list ...
expand file_list to 4000 bytes, did move
expand file_list to 8000 bytes, did move
expand file_list to 16000 bytes, did move
expand file_list to 32000 bytes, did move
opendir(PV5.0/prog/curdir/nmrsu/ParaVision/keys): Permission denied
opendir(PV5.0/prog/curdir/nmrsu/ParaVision/pvDatMan): Permission denied
opendir(PV5.0/prog/curdir/nmrsu/ParaVision/shimTool): Permission denied
expand file_list to 64000 bytes, did move
opendir(PV5.0/prog/curdir/nmrsu/keystore): Permission denied
opendir(PV5.0/prog/curdir/mri/ParaVision/keys): Permission denied
opendir(PV5.0/prog/curdir/mri/ParaVision/pvDatMan): Permission denied
opendir(PV5.0/prog/curdir/mri/ParaVision/shimTool): Permission denied
opendir(PV5.0/prog/curdir/mri/ParaVision/pvCam): Permission denied
opendir(PV5.0/prog/curdir/mri/keystore): Permission denied
opendir(PV5.0/prog/curdir/montaner/ParaVision/keys): Permission denied
opendir(PV5.0/prog/curdir/montaner/ParaVision/xtip): Permission denied
opendir(PV5.0/prog/curdir/montaner/ParaVision/pvDatMan): Permission denied
opendir(PV5.0/prog/curdir/montaner/keystore): Permission denied
opendir(PV5.0/prog/curdir/carus/ParaVision/keys): Permission denied
opendir(PV5.0/prog/curdir/carus/ParaVision/xtip): Permission denied
opendir(PV5.0/prog/curdir/carus/ParaVision/pvDatMan): Permission denied
opendir(PV5.0/prog/curdir/carus/keystore): Permission denied
expand file_list to 128000 bytes, did move
expand file_list to 256000 bytes, did move
[Receiver] expand file_list pointer array to 524288 bytes, did move
34202 files to consider
delta-transmission enabled
PV5.0/prog/wobble/pp_birds => PV5.0/prog/wobble/pulsprog_X
2,605,728 100% 4.29MB/s 0:00:00 (xfr#29745, to-chk=2/34202)
total: matches=0 tag_hits=0 false_alarms=0 data=2030754927
rsync[29381] (receiver) heap statistics:
arena: 2326528 (bytes from sbrk)
ordblks: 4 (chunks not in use)
smblks: 0
hblks: 4 (chunks from mmap)
hblkhd: 1327104 (bytes from mmap)
allmem: 3653632 (bytes from sbrk + mmap)
usmblks: 0
fsmblks: 0
uordblks: 2191888 (bytes used)
fordblks: 134640 (bytes free)
keepcost: 134304 (bytes in releasable chunk)
rsync[29306] (generator) heap statistics:
arena: 2134016 (bytes from sbrk)
ordblks: 2 (chunks not in use)
smblks: 2
hblks: 4 (chunks from mmap)
hblkhd: 1327104 (bytes from mmap)
allmem: 3461120 (bytes from sbrk + mmap)
usmblks: 0
fsmblks: 64
uordblks: 1864160 (bytes used)
fordblks: 269856 (bytes free)
keepcost: 269520 (bytes in releasable chunk)
Number of files: 34,202 (reg: 29,803, dir: 4,260, link: 139)
Number of regular files transferred: 29,745
Total file size: 2,052,694,727 bytes
Total transferred file size: 2,030,754,927 bytes
Literal data: 2,030,754,927 bytes
Matched data: 0 bytes
File list size: 808,631
Total bytes sent: 476,000
Total bytes received: 2,032,978,448
sent 476,000 bytes received 2,032,978,448 bytes 7,717,094.68 bytes/sec
total size is 2,052,694,727 speedup is 1.01
rsync error: some files/attrs were not transferred (see previous errors) (code 23) at main.c(1655) [generator=3.1.1]
Els missatges del tipus //opendir(...): Permission denied// indiquen que l'usuari //sermn// a l'ordinador del BioSpec no té permís per accedir a tots els fitxers i/o carpetes. Em connecto a l'ordinador i comprovo que efectivament hi ha carpetes amb permisos restringits a les que no pot accedir l'usuari //sermn//.
===== Transferència del PV 5.1 =====
==== Transferència incompleta ====
Inicio la transferència de la carpeta ///opt/Pv5.1//
root@cie-50-205:/opt# rsync -Hvax --verbose --progress --stats --protocol="30" sermn@cie-55-30.uab.cat:/opt/Pv5.1 .
opening connection using: ssh -l sermn cie-55-30.uab.cat rsync --server --sender -vvlHogDtprxe.iLsfx . /opt/Pv5.1 (10 args)
sermn@cie-55-30.uab.cat's password:
receiving file list ...
expand file_list to 4000 bytes, did move
expand file_list to 8000 bytes, did move
expand file_list to 16000 bytes, did move
expand file_list to 32000 bytes, did move
opendir(Pv5.1/prog/curdir/nmrsu/ParaVision/keys): Permission denied
opendir(Pv5.1/prog/curdir/nmrsu/ParaVision/xtip): Permission denied
opendir(Pv5.1/prog/curdir/nmrsu/ParaVision/pvDatMan): Permission denied
opendir(Pv5.1/prog/curdir/nmrsu/ParaVision/shimTool): Permission denied
opendir(Pv5.1/prog/curdir/nmrsu/keystore): Permission denied
opendir(Pv5.1/prog/curdir/mri/ParaVision/keys): Permission denied
opendir(Pv5.1/prog/curdir/mri/ParaVision/xtip): Permission denied
expand file_list to 64000 bytes, did move
opendir(Pv5.1/prog/curdir/mri/ParaVision/shimTool): Permission denied
opendir(Pv5.1/prog/curdir/mri/ParaVision/history): Permission denied
opendir(Pv5.1/prog/curdir/mri/ParaVision/pvCam): Permission denied
opendir(Pv5.1/prog/curdir/mri/ParaVision/pvDatMan): Permission denied
opendir(Pv5.1/prog/curdir/mri/keystore): Permission denied
opendir(Pv5.1/prog/curdir/montaner/ParaVision/keys): Permission denied
opendir(Pv5.1/prog/curdir/montaner/ParaVision/xtip): Permission denied
opendir(Pv5.1/prog/curdir/montaner/ParaVision/pvDatMan): Permission denied
opendir(Pv5.1/prog/curdir/montaner/keystore): Permission denied
expand file_list to 128000 bytes, did move
expand file_list to 256000 bytes, did move
[Receiver] expand file_list pointer array to 524288 bytes, did move
expand file_list to 512000 bytes, did move
[Receiver] expand file_list pointer array to 1048576 bytes, did move
80167 files to consider
delta-transmission enabled
676 100% 0.65kB/s 0:00:01 (xfr#68077, to-chk=4/80167)
Pv5.1/prog/wobble/pp_birds => Pv5.1/prog/wobble/pulsprog_X
2,620,912 100% 1.54MB/s 0:00:01 (xfr#68078, to-chk=2/80167)
total: matches=0 tag_hits=0 false_alarms=0 data=9946559856
rsync[13266] (receiver) heap statistics:
arena: 5783552 (bytes from sbrk)
ordblks: 4 (chunks not in use)
smblks: 0
hblks: 4 (chunks from mmap)
hblkhd: 1851392 (bytes from mmap)
allmem: 7634944 (bytes from sbrk + mmap)
usmblks: 0
fsmblks: 0
uordblks: 5384448 (bytes used)
fordblks: 399104 (bytes free)
keepcost: 398768 (bytes in releasable chunk)
rsync[12324] (generator) heap statistics:
arena: 5783552 (bytes from sbrk)
ordblks: 2 (chunks not in use)
smblks: 2
hblks: 4 (chunks from mmap)
hblkhd: 1851392 (bytes from mmap)
allmem: 7634944 (bytes from sbrk + mmap)
usmblks: 0
fsmblks: 64
uordblks: 5056720 (bytes used)
fordblks: 726832 (bytes free)
keepcost: 726496 (bytes in releasable chunk)
Number of files: 80,167 (reg: 68,143, dir: 11,894, link: 130)
Number of regular files transferred: 68,078
Total file size: 9,971,551,075 bytes
Total transferred file size: 9,946,559,856 bytes
Literal data: 9,946,559,856 bytes
Matched data: 0 bytes
File list size: 1,708,132
Total bytes sent: 1,089,440
Total bytes received: 9,952,136,811
sent 1,089,440 bytes received 9,952,136,811 bytes 8,236,016.76 bytes/sec
total size is 9,971,551,075 speedup is 1.00
rsync error: some files/attrs were not transferred (see previous errors) (code 23) at main.c(1655) [generator=3.1.1]
però, com en el cas del ParaVision 5.0, no es transfereixen tots els fitxers per un problema de permisos d'accés de l'usuari //sermn// al BioSpec.
===== Configuració de sudo al BioSpec per rsync =====
Per resoldre el problema amb els permisos de les carpetes i/o fitxers, segueixo les instruccions descrites a [[http://www.ustrem.org/en/articles/rsync-over-ssh-as-root-en/ | Running remote rsync as root when root login is disabled]], i afegeixo l'usuari remot (//sermn//) al fitxer ///etc/sudoers// al BioSpec per autoritzar-lo a executar la comanda ''sudo rsync'' i tenir accés a totes les carpetes i fitxers:
[root@cie-55-30 etc]# visudo
[root@cie-55-30 etc]# more sudoers
# sudoers file.
# This file MUST be edited with the 'visudo' command as root.
# See the sudoers man page for the details on how to write a
# sudoers file.
sermn ALL= NOPASSWD:/usr/bin/rsync
i faig servir la comanda ''rsync'' amb noves opcions
# rsync -Hvax --verbose --progress --stats --protocol="30" -e \
"ssh" --rsync-path="sudo rsync" sermn@cie-55-30.uab.cat:/opt/Pv5.1 .
Alternativament podria haver fet servir algunes de les solucions descrites a [[http://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/92123/rsync-all-files-of-remote-machine-over-ssh-without-root-user | rsync all files of remote machine over SSH without root user?]]
===== Transferència del PV 5.0 =====
==== Transferència completa dels fitxers ====
root@cie-50-205:/opt# rsync -Hvax --verbose --progress \
--stats --protocol="30" -e "ssh" --rsync-path="sudo rsync" \
sermn@cie-55-30.uab.cat:/opt/PV5.0 .
opening connection using: ssh -l sermn cie-55-30.uab.cat "sudo rsync" --server --sender -vvlHogDtprxe.iLsfx . /opt/Pv5.0 (10 args)
receiving file list ...
expand file_list to 4000 bytes, did move
expand file_list to 8000 bytes, did move
expand file_list to 16000 bytes, did move
expand file_list to 32000 bytes, did move
7100 files...
expand file_list to 64000 bytes, did move
11100 files...
14000 files...
expand file_list to 128000 bytes, did move
19900 files...
21900 files...
24800 files...
27700 files...
30600 files...
expand file_list to 256000 bytes, did move
[Receiver] expand file_list pointer array to 524288 bytes, did move
34230 files to consider
delta-transmission enabled
PV5.0/.hasStarted is uptodate
PV5.0/classes/doc/English/html/qtp/abort_btn.gif is uptodate
PV5.0/classes/doc/English/html/qtp/about.gif is uptodate
PV5.0/classes/doc/English/html/qtp/about.html is uptodate
PV5.0/classes/doc/English/html/qtp/about_btn.gif is uptodate
343,217 100% 1.13MB/s 0:00:00 (xfr#27, to-chk=2538/34230)
93,397 100% 307.10kB/s 0:00:00 (xfr#28, to-chk=2535/34230)
total: matches=0 tag_hits=0 false_alarms=0 data=958266
rsync[11915] (receiver) heap statistics:
arena: 2326528 (bytes from sbrk)
ordblks: 4 (chunks not in use)
smblks: 0
hblks: 4 (chunks from mmap)
hblkhd: 1327104 (bytes from mmap)
allmem: 3653632 (bytes from sbrk + mmap)
usmblks: 0
fsmblks: 0
uordblks: 2193328 (bytes used)
fordblks: 133200 (bytes free)
keepcost: 132864 (bytes in releasable chunk)
rsync[11527] (generator) heap statistics:
arena: 2134016 (bytes from sbrk)
ordblks: 2 (chunks not in use)
smblks: 2
hblks: 4 (chunks from mmap)
hblkhd: 1327104 (bytes from mmap)
allmem: 3461120 (bytes from sbrk + mmap)
usmblks: 0
fsmblks: 64
uordblks: 1865600 (bytes used)
fordblks: 268416 (bytes free)
keepcost: 268080 (bytes in releasable chunk)
Number of files: 34,230 (reg: 29,827, dir: 4,264, link: 139)
Number of regular files transferred: 28
Total file size: 2,052,735,064 bytes
Total transferred file size: 958,266 bytes
Literal data: 958,266 bytes
Matched data: 0 bytes
File list size: 808,190
Total bytes sent: 464
Total bytes received: 1,766,945
sent 464 bytes received 1,766,945 bytes 52,758.48 bytes/sec
total size is 2,052,735,064 speedup is 1,161.44
==== Verificació ====
^ Tipus de fitxer ^ Ordinador\\ actual ^ Nou\\ ordinador ^
| Fitxer normal | 29827 | 29827 :+: |
| Carpeta | 4264 | 4264 :+: |
| Enllaç simbòlic | 139 | 139 :+: |
===== Transferència del PV 5.1 =====
==== Transferència completa dels fitxers ====
root@cie-50-205:/opt# rsync -Hvax --verbose --progress \
--stats --protocol="30" -e "ssh" --rsync-path="sudo \
rsync" sermn@cie-55-30.uab.cat:/opt/Pv5.1 .
opening connection using: ssh -l sermn cie-55-30.uab.cat "sudo rsync" --server --sender -vvlHogDtprxe.iLsfx . /opt/Pv5.1 (10 args)
receiving file list ...
expand file_list to 4000 bytes, did move
expand file_list to 8000 bytes, did move
expand file_list to 16000 bytes, did move
expand file_list to 32000 bytes, did move
expand file...
_list to 64000 bytes, did move
12000 files...
15800 files...
expand file_list to 128000 bytes, did move
19800 files...
23700 files...
27500 files...
31300 files...
expand file_list to 256000 bytes, did move
[Receiver] expand file_list pointer array to 524288 bytes, did move
36500 files...
40400 files...
44200 files...
48000 files...
51800 files...
55600 files...
59500 files...
63300 files...
expand file_list to 512000 bytes, did move
[Receiver] expand file_list pointer array to 1048576 bytes, did move
69300 files...
73200 files...
77000 files...
80168 files to consider
delta-transmission enabled
Pv5.1/.checkedLibDeps is uptodate
Pv5.1/.directory is uptodate
Pv5.1/.hasStarted is uptodate
Pv5.1/classes/doc/English/html/qtp/abort_btn.gif is uptodate
1,714,138 100% 1.52MB/s 0:00:01 (xfr#128, to-chk=2342/80168)
1,714,138 100% 7.43MB/s 0:00:00 (xfr#129, to-chk=2341/80168)
total: matches=727 tag_hits=6294 false_alarms=1 data=4737215
rsync[18966] (receiver) heap statistics:
arena: 5783552 (bytes from sbrk)
ordblks: 4 (chunks not in use)
smblks: 2
hblks: 4 (chunks from mmap)
hblkhd: 1851392 (bytes from mmap)
allmem: 7634944 (bytes from sbrk + mmap)
usmblks: 0
fsmblks: 128
uordblks: 5385904 (bytes used)
fordblks: 397648 (bytes free)
keepcost: 397312 (bytes in releasable chunk)
rsync[18880] (generator) heap statistics:
arena: 5783552 (bytes from sbrk)
ordblks: 5 (chunks not in use)
smblks: 2
hblks: 4 (chunks from mmap)
hblkhd: 1851392 (bytes from mmap)
allmem: 7634944 (bytes from sbrk + mmap)
usmblks: 0
fsmblks: 128
uordblks: 5058928 (bytes used)
fordblks: 724624 (bytes free)
keepcost: 460384 (bytes in releasable chunk)
Number of files: 80,168 (reg: 68,141, dir: 11,897, link: 130)
Number of regular files transferred: 129
Total file size: 9,971,638,288 bytes
Total transferred file size: 5,229,582 bytes
Literal data: 4,737,215 bytes
Matched data: 492,367 bytes
File list size: 1,706,986
Total bytes sent: 11,596
Total bytes received: 6,451,016
sent 11,596 bytes received 6,451,016 bytes 680,274.95 bytes/sec
total size is 9,971,638,288 speedup is 1,542.97
==== Verificació ====
^ Tipus de fitxer ^ Ordinador\\ actual ^ Nou\\ ordinador ^
| Fitxer normal | 68141 | 68192 :-: |
| Carpeta | 11897 | 11897 :+: |
| Enllaç simbòlic | 130 | 130 :+: |
Per veure quins fitxers hi ha al nou ordinador que no hi són a l'ordinador vell, faig un simulacre (''--dry-run'') de la comanda de transferència amb l'opoció ''--delete'',
root@cie-50-205:/opt# rsync -Hvax --dry-run --delete --verbose \
--progress --stats --protocol="30" -e "ssh" \
--rsync-path="sudo rsync" sermn@cie-55-30.uab.cat:/opt/Pv5.1 . \
> 20160902-1618-rsync-pv51.log
i comprovo el contingut del fitxer de registre //20160902-1618-rsync-pv51.log// on trobo els fitxers de més,
opening connection using: ssh -l sermn cie-55-30.uab.cat "sudo rsync" --server --sender -vvnlHogDtprxe.iLsfx . /opt/Pv
5.1 (10 args)
receiving file list ...
expand file_list to 4000 bytes, did move
77200 files...
80100 files...
80168 files to consider
deleting in Pv5.1
3100 files...
6200 files...
67800 files...
70700 files...
deleting Pv5.1/prog/curdir/mri/stdout.upnpctrlserver.15589
deleting Pv5.1/prog/curdir/mri/stdout.dataserver.15488
deleting Pv5.1/prog/curdir/mri/stdout.dataserver.15450
deleting Pv5.1/prog/curdir/mri/stdout.AqRackServer.log
deleting Pv5.1/prog/curdir/mri/stdout.18355
deleting Pv5.1/prog/curdir/mri/stdout.17892
deleting Pv5.1/prog/curdir/mri/stdout.17441
deleting Pv5.1/prog/curdir/mri/stdout.17029
deleting Pv5.1/prog/curdir/mri/stdout.16751
deleting Pv5.1/prog/curdir/mri/stdout.16528
deleting Pv5.1/prog/curdir/mri/stdout.15895
deleting Pv5.1/prog/curdir/mri/stdout.15774
deleting Pv5.1/prog/curdir/mri/stdout.15589
deleting Pv5.1/prog/curdir/mri/stdout.15498
deleting Pv5.1/prog/curdir/mri/stdout.15488
deleting Pv5.1/prog/curdir/mri/stdout.15450
deleting Pv5.1/prog/curdir/mri/stdout.15448
deleting Pv5.1/prog/curdir/mri/stdout.15441
deleting Pv5.1/prog/curdir/mri/stderr.dataserver.15488
deleting Pv5.1/prog/curdir/mri/stderr.dataserver.15450
deleting Pv5.1/prog/curdir/mri/stderr.AqRackServer.log
deleting Pv5.1/prog/curdir/mri/stderr.18355
deleting Pv5.1/prog/curdir/mri/stderr.17892
deleting Pv5.1/prog/curdir/mri/stderr.17441
deleting Pv5.1/prog/curdir/mri/stderr.17029
deleting Pv5.1/prog/curdir/mri/stderr.16751
deleting Pv5.1/prog/curdir/mri/stderr.16528
deleting Pv5.1/prog/curdir/mri/stderr.15895
deleting Pv5.1/prog/curdir/mri/stderr.15774
deleting Pv5.1/prog/curdir/mri/stderr.15589
deleting Pv5.1/prog/curdir/mri/stderr.15498
deleting Pv5.1/prog/curdir/mri/stderr.15488
deleting Pv5.1/prog/curdir/mri/stderr.15450
deleting Pv5.1/prog/curdir/mri/stderr.15448
deleting Pv5.1/prog/curdir/mri/stderr.15441
deleting Pv5.1/prog/curdir/mri/cd.18355
deleting Pv5.1/prog/curdir/mri/cd.17892
deleting Pv5.1/prog/curdir/mri/cd.17441
deleting Pv5.1/prog/curdir/mri/cd.17029
deleting Pv5.1/prog/curdir/mri/cd.16751
deleting Pv5.1/prog/curdir/mri/cd.16528
deleting Pv5.1/prog/curdir/mri/cd.15895
deleting Pv5.1/prog/curdir/mri/cd.15774
deleting Pv5.1/prog/curdir/mri/cd.15589
deleting Pv5.1/prog/curdir/mri/cd.15498
deleting Pv5.1/prog/curdir/mri/cd.15488
deleting Pv5.1/prog/curdir/mri/cd.15450
deleting Pv5.1/prog/curdir/mri/cd.15448
deleting Pv5.1/prog/curdir/mri/cd.15441
deleting Pv5.1/prog/curdir/mri/SetpreServer.ref
deleting Pv5.1/prog/curdir/mri/ParaVision/pvScan/ScanOverview
delta-transmission enabled
Pv5.1/.checkedLibDeps is uptodate
Pv5.1/.directory is uptodate
Pv5.1/prog/xtip/xtip is uptodate
Pv5.1/pv is uptodate
Pv5.1/topspin is uptodate
total: matches=0 tag_hits=0 false_alarms=0 data=0
Number of files: 80,168 (reg: 68,141, dir: 11,897, link: 130)
Number of regular files transferred: 0
Total file size: 9,971,638,288 bytes
Total transferred file size: 0 bytes
Literal data: 0 bytes
Matched data: 0 bytes
File list size: 1,706,986
Total bytes sent: 16
Total bytes received: 1,705,370
sent 16 bytes received 1,705,370 bytes 162,417.71 bytes/sec
total size is 9,971,638,288 speedup is 5,847.14 (DRY RUN)
Llavors executo la comanda de forma real (sense l'opció ''--dry-run'') i comprovo de nou el nombre de fitxers als directoris original i còpia, i trobo que ara ja coincideixen:
^ Tipus de fitxer ^ Ordinador\\ actual ^ Nou\\ ordinador ^
| Fitxer normal | 68141 | 68141 :+: |
| Carpeta | 11897 | 11897 :+: |
| Enllaç simbòlic | 130 | 130 :+: |
===== Transferència del PV 4.0 =====
==== Transferència completa dels fitxers ====
Transfereixo el contingut de la carpeta ///opt/PV4.0// de l'ordinador actual a la nova estació de treball,
root@cie-50-205:/opt# rsync -Hvax --delete --verbose --progress \
--stats --protocol="30" -e "ssh" --rsync-path="sudo rsync" \
sermn@cie-55-30.uab.cat:/opt/PV4.0 . \
| tee 20160902-1635-rsync-pv40.log
opening connection using: ssh -l sermn cie-55-30.uab.cat "sudo rsync" --server --sender -vvlHogDtprxe.iLsfx . /opt/PV4.0 (10 args)
sermn@cie-55-30.uab.cat's password:
receiving file list ...
expand file_list to 4000 bytes, did move
expand file_list to 8000 bytes, did move
expand file_list to 16000 bytes, did move
expand file_list to 32000 bytes, did move
7100 files...
expand file_list to 64000 bytes, did move
11100 files...
14000 files...
150300 files...
153000 files...
154559 files to consider
deleting in PV4.0
delta-transmission enabled
765 100% 62.26kB/s 0:00:00 (xfr#134271, to-chk=6/154559)
676 100% 55.01kB/s 0:00:00 (xfr#134272, to-chk=5/154559)
0 0% 0.00kB/s 0:00:00 PV4.0/prog/wobble/pp_birds => PV4.0/prog/wobble/pulsprog_X
2,826,728 100% 10.74MB/s 0:00:00 (xfr#134273, to-chk=3/154559)
total: matches=0 tag_hits=0 false_alarms=0 data=38271461531
rsync[23982] (receiver) heap statistics:
arena: 10649600 (bytes from sbrk)
ordblks: 4 (chunks not in use)
smblks: 0
hblks: 4 (chunks from mmap)
hblkhd: 2899968 (bytes from mmap)
allmem: 13549568 (bytes from sbrk + mmap)
usmblks: 0
fsmblks: 0
uordblks: 9689920 (bytes used)
fordblks: 959680 (bytes free)
keepcost: 959344 (bytes in releasable chunk)
rsync[21101] (generator) heap statistics:
arena: 10649600 (bytes from sbrk)
ordblks: 2 (chunks not in use)
smblks: 2
hblks: 4 (chunks from mmap)
hblkhd: 2899968 (bytes from mmap)
allmem: 13549568 (bytes from sbrk + mmap)
usmblks: 0
fsmblks: 64
uordblks: 9362192 (bytes used)
fordblks: 1287408 (bytes free)
keepcost: 1287072 (bytes in releasable chunk)
Number of files: 154,559 (reg: 134,334, dir: 20,022, link: 203)
Number of regular files transferred: 134,273
Total file size: 38,292,509,630 bytes
Total transferred file size: 38,271,461,531 bytes
Literal data: 38,271,461,531 bytes
Matched data: 0 bytes
File list size: 3,443,124
Total bytes sent: 2,148,384
Total bytes received: 38,284,805,277
sent 2,148,384 bytes received 38,284,805,277 bytes 10,181,346.54 bytes/sec
total size is 38,292,509,630 speedup is 1.00
==== Verificació ====
^ Tipus de fitxer ^ Ordinador\\ actual ^ Nou\\ ordinador ^
| Fitxer normal | 134334 | 134334 :+: |
| Carpeta | 20022 | 20022 :+: |
| Enllaç simbòlic | 203 | 203 :+: |