====== Changelog dels canvis de la 1.1.6 (unstable) a la 1.1.7 ======
Aquests són els canvis fets de la versió 1.1.6 a la versió 1.1.7. Al llistat s'esmenta,
* el nom del fitxer modificat
* la versió del fitxer al [[http://bumblebeeman.cvs.sourceforge.net/bumblebeeman/ | CVS de Sourceforge]] (**extended:**)
* una descripció breu dels canvis fets
===== ChangeLog file =====
Aquestes són les línies al fitxer //ChangeLog// que descriuen de forma general els canvis entre les 1.1.6 i 1.1.7. A l'apartat següent es poden consultar les modificacions a nivell de fitxer.
* bugfix: users are only able to view calendars and bookings whose intruments he has permission
* bugfix: users, instruments, projects, groups and consumables (active,deleted,suspended) are showing correctly now (include quick search by letter)
* bugfix: fixed reports with suspended field to show correctly
* feature: second level entries for the menu
* feature: admin has to choose a group when he creates a user
* feature: admin and instrument admin can make bookings behalf other project
* feature: new kind of user: Main_Researcher who is the supervisor of one or many groups
* feature: in option 'My bookings' only there are bookings made for us (same for admins and supervisors)
* feature: change menu header 'Lists' to 'Reports & Lists' where it has restructured and added new queries: Booking lists (for supervisors and admins) and User/Projects Lists (for supervisors and admins)
* feature: added in option 'My account' the fields: 'Group membership' and 'Instrument admin'
* feature: in some page added the 'Top' option to return at top of the page using javascript
* feature: in some page was 'Return to...' was bad idea it has added 'Go back' javascript button
===== Root files (/) =====
==== index.php ====
* **Extended: 1.47.1**
* added //require_once 'inc/i18nconfig.php'// after //require_once 'inc/i18n.php'//
===== General files (inc/) =====
==== inc/i18nconfig.php ====
* **Extended: 1.2**
* deleted unnecessary //require_once 'inc/i18n.php'//
==== inc/menu.php ====
* **Extended: 1.35.1**
* fix link Documentation.html
* changed menu headers
* reordered elements
* restructured _constructMenuEntries() function to accept second level entries
==== inc/permissions.php ====
* **Extended: 1.3.1**
* added 'BBPERM_ADMIN_VIEWALL': Permission to view all bookings
===== BB files (inc/bb/) =====
==== inc/bb/auth.php ====
* **Extended: 1.41**
* fixed function getGroup()
* same function getGroup() and getProject() for users and admins
* added another function called getInstruments() (admins can use all instruments)
==== inc/bb/bookingentry.php ====
* **Extended: 1.42.1**
* admins and instrument admins can select project from a list of all projects
==== inc/bb/configreader.php ====
* **Extended: 1.12**
==== inc/bb/group.php ====
* **Extended: 1.19**
* added 'require_once 'inc/formslib/staticlist.php'
==== inc/bb/instrument.php ====
* **Extended: 1.31**
* added 'require_once 'inc/formslib/staticlist.php'
==== inc/bb/user.php ====
* **Extended: 1.32.1**
* it has to select the group when you create a user
* it has to select user type with the parameters of statususers roleusers table
* association between users and groups through usergroups table
===== Actions files (inc/actions/) =====
==== inc/actions/about.php ====
* **Extended: 1.0**
* return to top button
==== inc/actions/actionaction.php ====
* **Extended: 1.27**
* added showactive users option
==== inc/actions/actions.php ====
* **Extended: 1.25.1**
* added new actions (lists)
* added new fields (level and next level) helpful for create the menu entries (included second level entries)
* restructured some levels (like bookinglist action)
==== inc/actions/book.php ====
* **Extended: 1.5.1**
* look instrument permission and book view permission for the user
* added require_once 'inc/formslib/sql.php' and require_once 'inc/bb/configreader.php'
==== inc/actions/bookinglist.php ====
* **Extended: 1.4**
* option My bookings goes in another action (mybookings.php)
* the style of this action is like lists.php where action=bookinglists and what="option"
* return to top button
==== inc/actions/calendar.php ====
* **Extended: 1.1.1**
* look instrument permission for the user
==== inc/actions/consumables.php ====
* **Extended: 1.23.1**
* added 'require_once 'inc/formslib/anchortablelist.php''
* added 'show active consumables'
* fix quick sort bar
==== inc/actions/forgotpwd.php ====
* **Extended: 1.18.1**
* styles changed
* added return button to login page
==== inc/actions/groups.php ====
* **Extended: 1.27.1**
* added 'show active groups'
* fix quick sort bar
* return to top button
==== inc/actions/intruments.php ====
* **Extended: 1.25.1**
* added require_once 'inc/formslib/anchortablelist.php'
* added 'show active instruments'
* fix quick sort bar
==== inc/actions/lists.php ====
* **Extended: 1.1**
* added require_once 'inc/formslib/staticlist.php' and require_once 'inc/formslib/anchortablelist.php'
* added more lists
* verify permissions to acces in each list
* return to top button
* correct show of users' suspended lists
==== inc/actions/login.php ====
* **Extended: 1.18.1**
* styles changed
==== inc/actions/mybookings.php ====
*show my next bookings (before was in the bookinglist.php with the option name "My bookings")
==== inc/actions/projects.php ====
* **Extended: 1.30.1**
* added 'show active projects'
* fix quick sort bar
* return to top button
==== inc/actions/users.php ====
* **Extended: 1.24.1**
* added 'show active users'
* fix quick sort bar
* return to top button
==== inc/actions/view.php ====
* **Extended: 1.62.1**
* Main researcher (status role = 2) can have instruments
==== inc/actions/viewbase.php ====
* **Extended: 1.2.1**
* fixed class calendarcomment (accept HTML again)
* added _goBackLink()
===== Formlib files (inc/formslib/) =====
==== inc/formslib/anchortablelist.php ====
* **Extended: 1.13.1**
* added option id to function formatQuickSearch to accept id like showactive,showdeleted...
==== inc/formslib/checkbox.php ====
* **Extended: 1.11 **
* modified selectable function to accept if checkbox is editable or not
==== inc/formslib/choicelist.php ====
* **Extended: 1.29.1 **
* added new options to function connectDB (deleted and suspended) if you want to use instead the session values
==== inc/formslib/dbchoicelist.php ====
* **Extended: 1.39 **
* Fixed deleted and suspended options
===== CSS files (theme/) =====
==== theme/pagelayout.css ====
* **Extended: 1.11 **
* added new "div" linktop (uses to return to top of the page)
* adapted something
==== theme/contentfooter.css ====
* **Extended: 1.20 **
* links open in a new tab
==== theme/bumblebee.css ====
* **Extended: 1.41 **
* improve menu style
* style for menu's second level (accordion)
==== theme/bumblebee-custom-colours.css ====
* **Extended: 1.16 **
* update for the new menu
===== Configuration files (config/) =====
==== config/bumblebee.ini ====
* **Extended: 1.65.1**
* added some extra paths
===== Install files (install/) =====
==== install/setup-tables.sql ====
* **Extended: 1.11.1 **
* new tables: usergroups and statususers roleusers
* field status role added to users table
* admin have to have status role number 1
* insert values to statususers roleusers table, e.g. admin, main_researcher, user
==== install/installer/checks.php ====
* **Extended: 1.13 **
* fixed 'PEAR::Auth' comparison
==== install/installer/createdatabase.php ====
* **Extended: 1.6 **
* fixed the replace of insert for admin user