How to arrive at SeRMN
Our location
The SeRMN address is:
You will find us on Google Maps if you search for “SeRMN, Cerdanyola del Vallès, Spain” or directly at the link
Our GPS coordinates are (the location on the map is approximate):
Latitude: +41° 29' 56,483“N / Longitude: +2° 6' 28,785”E
Latitude: 41,499023 / Longitude: 2,107996
SeRMN main entrance
To describe (with photos) how to get to the SeRMN from inside Building C of the Faculties of Sciences and Biosciences.
SeRMN maintenance door
The SeRMN has a maintenance entrance, with a large door and loading and unloading dock, to facilitate the reception of goods. This is the recommended entrance for instrument technicians, transporters, and any visitor carrying boxes or bulky material.
The following images show how to get to the SeRMN maintenance entrance.
Outline and photos of the way to go
| This image is a screenshot from Google Maps showing the path to follow within the Bellaterra Campus of the UAB to reach the SeRMN maintenance entrance. The numbers correspond to the photographs below, where you will find step-by-step instructions so you don't get lost on campus. |
| 1 - The four reference columns. Your reference is the ensemble of four spiral columns next to the highway |
| 2 - The four reference columns. When you have the columns on your left, and you are at their height, on your right you will see a path that starts with a concrete slope. You have to turn right and follow this road. |
| 3 - Insufficient signage. At the beginning of the path there is a sign that says “EMERGENCIES - Central Building - Swimming Pool (SAF3)” and where the name of the SeRMN does not appear. However, this indication confirms that you are on the right track. |
| 4 - Drive straight to the end. |
| 5 - Access barrier. When you reach the barrier, you will have to call security on campus and request them to open it. Press the “Call” button and when they answer you, tell them you are going to the “Servei de Ressonància”, and they should open the barrier for you. |
| 6 - Place to park. Once you have passed the barrier, follow the path surrounding the building until you reach a kind of square where you can park your car on battery on the opposite side of the building. |
| 7 - SeRMN maintenance door. Access to the service is through the maintenance door. Ring the bell on the right side and we will open you. |
How to arrive from the airport
The SeRMN is located in Building C of the Faculties of Sciences and Biosciences. This link to Google Maps describes in detail how to get to the door of Building C (SeRMN) from Barcelona airport. Of the options shown, the easiest is to follow the route “AP-7” of those suggested by the program.
Nomenclature of streets and paths on the Bellaterra Campus
The UAB Governing Council, in its session of July 17, 2013, following “the increasingly frequent difficulties in identifying the buildings, spaces, environments of the university and therefore being able to locate them in a territorial environment” approved a proposal “to name the streets of the campus with the aim that it becomes the institutional nomenclature and be adopted in a generalized way.”