;Pulse Program Code for Bruker: ;pp:hobs_hsqc_clip ;2D Experiment ;HOmodecoupled Band-Selective of refocused F2-coupled HSQC-CLIP experiment (refocused F2-coupled HOBS-HSQC-CLIP) ;Instant homonuclear decoupling is used during acquisition ;2D H-1/X correlation via inept transfer ;phase sensitive using Echo/Antiecho-TPPI gradient selection ;with 90 13C pulse prior acquisition (CLIP) ;L. Castaņar, P. Nolis, A. Virgili & T. Parella, ; Chem. Eur. J (2013)19,17283-17286 ; DOI:chem.201303235 ;Avance III version (07/07/2013) ;Topspin2.1 & Topspin3.1 #include #include #include #include #define hobs "p2=p1*2" "d4=1s/(cnst2*4)" "d11=30m" "d0=3u" "in0=inf1/2" "DELTA1=50u+p16+d16" "DELTA2=d4-larger(p2,p14)/2-50u-p16-d16" "DELTA3=d4-larger(p2,p14)/2-50u-p16-d16" "DELTA=p16+d16+50u+p2+d0*2+50u" #ifdef hobs dwellmode explicit "d2=aq/l0" "d3=d2/2" "l2=l0-1" #else #endif 1 ze 2 d1 pl0:f1 3 (p11:sp1 ph1):f1 50u UNBLKGRAD p16:gp6 d16 DELTA2 pl0:f2 pl1:f1 (center (p2 ph1) (p14:sp3 ph6):f2 ) DELTA2 pl2:f2 pl1:f1 50u p16:gp6 d16 (p1 ph2) 50u p16:gp3 d16 (p3 ph3):f2 d0 (p2 ph5) d0 50u p16:gp1*EA d16 pl0:f2 d12 (p24:sp7 ph4):f2 DELTA pl2:f2 (p3 ph4):f2 50u p16:gp4 d16 (p1 ph1):f1 d4 pl0:f2 pl1:f1 (center (p2 ph1) (p14:sp3 ph1):f2 ) DELTA3 pl2:f2 pl1:f1 50u p16:gp2 d16 (p3 ph1):f2 #ifdef hobs ACQ_START(ph30,ph31) 0.05u DWL_CLK_ON 0.1u REC_UNBLK d3 0.05u DWL_CLK_OFF 0.1u REC_BLK p19:gp8 d16 pl1:f1 (p2 ph8):f1 p19:gp8 d16 p19:gp7 d16 pl0:f1 (p12:sp2 ph7):f1 p19:gp7 d16 5 0.05u DWL_CLK_ON 0.1u REC_UNBLK d2:r 0.05u DWL_CLK_OFF 0.1u REC_BLK p19:gp8 d16 pl1:f1 (p2 ph8):f1 p19:gp8 d16 p19:gp7 d16 pl0:f1 (p12:sp2 ph7):f1 p19:gp7 d16 lo to 5 times l2 0.05u DWL_CLK_ON 0.1u REC_UNBLK d3 15m 0.05u DWL_CLK_OFF 0.1u REC_BLK 10 rcyc=2 #else go=2 ph31 #endif d1 mc #0 to 2 F1EA(igrad EA, id0 & ip3*2 & ip6*2 & ip31*2) exit ph1=0 ph2=1 ph3=0 2 ph4=0 0 2 2 ph5=0 ph6=0 ph7=0 ph8=0 ph30=0 ph31=0 2 0 2 ;pl1 : f1 channel - power level for pulse (default) ;pl2 : f2 channel - power level for pulse (default) ;p1 : f1 channel - high power pulse ;p11 : f1 channel - 90 degree band-selective pulse [ms] ;p12 : f1 channel - 180 degree band-selective pulse [ms] ;p16: homospoil/gradient pulse [1 ms] ;p19: homospoil/gradient pulse [500 us] ;p14: f2 channel - 180 degree shaped pulse for inversion [500 us] ;p24: f2 channel - 180 degree shaped pulse for refocussing [2 ms] ;sp1: f1 channel - shaped pulse power level for 90 degree band-selective excitation ;sp2: f1 channel - shaped pulse power level for 180 degree band-selective excitation ;spnam1: shaped pulse for 90 degree selective excitation [EBURP] ;spnam2: shaped pulse for 180 degree selective excitation [REBURP] ;spnam3: shaped pulse for 180 degree for inversion [Crp60,0.5,20.1] ;spnam7: shaped pulse for 180 degree for refocussing [Crp60comp.4] ;d0 : incremented delay (2D) ;d1 : relaxation delay; 1-5 * T1 ;d4 : 1/(4J)XH ;d16: delay for homospoil/gradient recovery [20us] ;cnst2: = 1J(XH) ;NS: 1 * n ;DS: 2 ;td1: number of experiments ;FnMODE: echo-antiecho ;l1: number of concatenated loops ;use gradient ratio: gp 1 : gp 2 ; 80 : 20.1 for C-13 ; 80 : 8.1 for N-15 ;for z-only gradients: ;gpz1: 80% ;gpz2: 20.1% for C-13, 8.1% for N-15 ;gpz3: 33% ;gpz4: 50% ;gpz6: 17% ;gpz7: 63% ;gpz8: 41% ;use gradient files: ;gpnam1: SMSQ10.100 (Topspin3.1) ; SINE.100 (Topspin2.1) ;gpnam2: SMSQ10.100 (Topspin3.1) ; SINE.100 (Topspin2.1) ;gpnam3: SMSQ10.100 (Topspin3.1) ; SINE.100 (Topspin2.1) ;gpnam4: SMSQ10.100 (Topspin3.1) ; SINE.100 (Topspin2.1) ;gpnam6: SMSQ10.100 (Topspin3.1) ; SINE.100 (Topspin2.1) ;gpnam7: SMSQ10.100 (Topspin3.1) ; SINE.100 (Topspin2.1) ;gpnam8: SMSQ10.100 (Topspin3.1) ; SINE.100 (Topspin2.1)