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- hp_z400_macromodel_macromodel @informatica
- Si cal, es pot instal·lar el paquet //nfs-kernel-server//. * :ok: glibc version must be at least 2.5. L... mon//, //torque-mom//, //torque-pam//, i //torque-server//. * :fail: LoadLeveler. No sembla estar dispon... ca, preferiblement amb OpenGL * :ok: An X11R6 X server on any machine to which Maestro is displayed, com... performing this installation on your license server, you will need the output of: $SCHRODINGER/m
- howto_retrieve_your_data
- e at all times and from anywhere through our data server. To retrieve them, you will have to download and ... | FileZilla,]] and configure it to connect to our server securely. In order to preserve the privacy of th... the SeRMN spectrometers and computers. The data server uses [[http://www.proftpd.org/ | ProFTPD]] to man... encrypt communications between the client and the server. This is the same encryption protocol that browse
- hp_z240mt_biospec @informatica
- tres programes importants): * :ok: ssh (openssh-server, openssh-client) * :ok: mc (midnight commander)... om DenyHosts to Fail2ban]]. * :fail: nfs-kernel-server * :fail: tftp-hpa * :fail: tftpd-hpa <color b... :/var/log# more Xorg.0.log [ 9.613] X.Org X Server 1.16.4 Release Date: 2014-12-20 [ 9.613] X Pr... e: 11 February 2015 12:32:02AM [ 9.613] xorg-server 2:1.16.4-1 (http://www.debian.org/support) ... [
- hp_6200mt_250robot_topspin13 @informatica
- ·lar el servidor de nfs //Hummingbird Maestro NFS Server// a partir del dvd //Topspin NT Toolkit//. Com qu... comptes de la 7.1. ===== Hummingbird Maestro NFS Server ===== La instal·lació a partir del programa ''E:... etupNFS'' - Triar l'opció ''Install NFS Maestro Server'' i després ''Personal installation'' - Triar l... rama d'instal·lació del //Hummingbird NFS Maestro Server - Prémer el botó <key>Next ></key> i
- hp_z240mt_offstation @informatica
- tres programes importants): * :ok: ssh (openssh-server, openssh-client) * :ok: mc (midnight commander)... om DenyHosts to Fail2ban]]. * :fail: nfs-kernel-server * :fail: tftp-hpa * :fail: tftpd-hpa <color b... :/var/log# more Xorg.0.log [ 9.613] X.Org X Server 1.16.4 Release Date: 2014-12-20 [ 9.613] X Pr... e: 11 February 2015 12:32:02AM [ 9.613] xorg-server 2:1.16.4-1 (http://www.debian.org/support) ... [
- hp_z400_600_topspin31 @informatica
- for further information. # # Format : client id=server:path # # Example: client_1 base=server_1:/path/to/basedir # spect root=ASP_ST2:/usr/diskless/clients/s... ROMs to realize that we are a PXE-compliant # server. We set the MCAST IP address to to tell ... - 9 reserved for debug purposes : to switch boot-server, # to run ethereal on an independent computer
- hp_z230t_400wb @informatica
- tres programes importants): * :ok: ssh (openssh-server, openssh-client) * :ok: mc (midnight commander)... from DenyHosts to Fail2ban]]. * :ok: nfs-kernel-server * :ok: tftp-hpa * :ok: tftpd-hpa <color black... ó del //tftpd// * http://chschneider.eu/linux/server/tftpd-hpa.shtml * http://diablo.craem.net/wordp... f// afegeixo els següents servidors de temps, * server swisstime.ethz.ch * server ntp.uab.es * serv
- web_filemanager @sermn_wiki:userpages:marta
- lder automatically updates the files on a network server and delivers them to the other machines you use. Using iFolder, you can designate any network server as an iFolder server and publish information to a personal iFolder created on that server. Once your folder is established, you can install
- servidor_internet_2009_debian_10_part_2 @informatica
- ació, <file> # /etc/mysql/mariadb.conf.d # cp 50-server.cnf 50-server.cnf.BKUP-20220807 # vi 50-server.cnf </file> i afegir les línies <code diff> # diff 50-server.cnf 50-server.cnf.BKUP-20220807 45,53d44 < # * Lo
- hp_xw4400_400wb @informatica
- s descrites a [[http://www.howtoforge.com/perfect-server-centos-5.10-x86_64-ispconfig-3 | The Perfect Server - CentOS 5.10 x86_64]]. Les //tasques// (grups de pr... * Editors * Text-based Internet * DNS Name Server * Server Configuration Tools * Administration Tools * Base * System Tools però trio l'opció //Cus
- phpbb3_3.0.7-pl1-4_readme-multiboard @sermn_wiki:userpages:marta
- 4 ====== ===== Setting up multiple boards on one server ===== (For issues with multiboard see "Multiboar... n this file we assume you're using the Apache web server, although this feature does not depend on the web... ou set table-specific privileges in your database server. Multiple boards across virtual hosts is also po... dbuser = 'example'; $dbpasswd = '3x@mpl3'; if ($_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"] == "forum.example.com") { $table_pr
- servidor_internet_2009_debian_10_part_1 @informatica
- iadb-client-10.1 mariadb-client-core-10.1 mariadb-server-10.1 mariadb-server-core-10.1 mysql-server php5-curl php7.0-curl systemd-shim tracker-gui The following NEW packages will be ... iadb-client-10.1 mariadb-client-core-10.1 mariadb-server-10.1 mariadb-server-core-10.1 mysql-server php5-c
- filezilla_configuration
- lla-project.org/ | FileZilla]] to access our data server and download your spectra. FileZilla is an FTP cl... u will have to create an //account// for our data server, where you will have to configure the connection ... er mode //Passive//, which is the one used by our server, {{ :informacio_usuaris:fset02-m.png | Transfer ... FTP -> Passive mode// select the option //Use the server's external IP address instead// to avoid problems
- servidor_internet_2009_debian_9 @informatica
- bird2.5-common firebird2.5-common-doc firebird2.5-server-common libabw-0.1-1 libcdr-0.1-1 libclucene-con... not installed, so not removed Package 'postgresql-server-dev-all' is not installed, so not removed Package... com/questions/399027/gpg-keyserver-receive-failed-server-indicated-a-failure/399091#399091 | gpg: keyserver receive failed: Server indicated a failure]] on posa que, <file> Behind
- servidor_web @sermn_wiki:userpages:marta
- IP address at the same NIC. Intended for the MRUI server. iface eth0:1 inet static address ... ministration.org/articles/349 | Setting up an SSL server with Apache2.]] És especialment interessant la di... sselite.com/htaccess/redirecting-all-or-part-of-a-server-to-ssl-vt61.html | Redirecting All or Part of a Server to SSL]] * [[http://www.askapache.com/htaccess