Fulltext results:
- servidor_forums_phpbb3 @sermn_wiki:userpages:marta
- i=misc&mode=display&contrib_id=1289 | Easy assign user to groups.]] This mod allows the admin to assign a user to any combination of groups from a single page by using the usual manage user page in the ACP. * [[http://www.phpbb.com/mods/... i=misc&mode=display&contrib_id=713 | Send mail to user on admin (de-)activate.]] Normally when a user's
- servidor_internet_2009_debian_10_part_1 @informatica
- /home tmpfs 787M 0 787M 0% /run/user/1001 tmpfs 787M 16K 787M 1% /run/user/1000 </file> ==== Còpies de seguretat ==== Guard... ystem-misc qemu-system-ppc qemu-system-sparc qemu-user qemu-user-binfmt Use 'apt autoremove' to remove them. The following packages have been kept back: a
- hp_z400_600_topspin31 @informatica
- to provide firewalling for the average Linux end user. Instead of having to configure firewall rules th... u. [...] solely designed to handle typical dialup user and cable modem setups " Written by Alan Cox. The... lokkit. Some Korean site offers the GNOME Lokkit User's Guide, however. It seems both a GNOME and a New... sswd ==== <file> ... nmrsu:x:****:****:NMR Super User:/home/nmrsu:/bin/sh flexlm:x:****:****:FLEXlm Lic
- changelog_114_a_116 @sermn_wiki:userpages:marta
- fix: masquerade warning only is shown once at the user main menu. * janitorial: clean up some PHP4isms... nce in some functions) * feature: new option at user main menu 'My Bookings' where users are able to v... ssword" link at login page. It action, ask to the user his username and email. If these are correct a ne... word is generated in the database and sent to the user by email. * feature: two groups of actions made
- servidor_forums @sermn_wiki:userpages:marta
- i=misc&mode=display&contrib_id=1289 | Easy assign user to groups.]] This mod allows the admin to assign a user to any combination of groups from a single page by using the usual manage user page in the ACP. * [[http://www.phpbb.com/mods/... i=misc&mode=display&contrib_id=713 | Send mail to user on admin (de-)activate.]] Normally when a user's
- changelog_117_a_130 @sermn_wiki:userpages:marta
- ade action has not to allow to make a booking for user who hasn't permission for the instrument. Also th... "my bookings" you could see all bookings from the user who I am masqued, now you only see your own bookings * feature: interactive language, user can change program language and its choice will b... lder still is in the server location ==== inc/bb/user.php ==== * **Extended: 1.32.2** * added langu
- hp_z240mt_offstation_comprovacio @informatica
- fer ... - A copy of the original crontab file for user nmrsu is stored in /opt/PV5.1/cronfile.nmrsu.or... fer ... - A copy of the original crontab file for user nmrsu is stored in /opt/PV5.1/cronfile.nmrsu.or... @sermn115:/opt/PV5.1$ ./pv id: sermnadm: no such user ***** ERROR (Fri Aug 4 15:52:57 2017) ***** The user sermnadm does not belong to the primary group of
- hp_xw4400_400sb_topspin31 @informatica
- 1 - 8.2.1// (pàgines 39-40) del manual "MAS II - User manual - Version 001" (© P/N: Z31701E, DWG-Nr: 14... ore(TM)2 CPU 6600 @ 2.40GHz (2 cores at 1596 MHz) User : sermnuab (SeRMN-UAB Users,,,) Descripti... ore(TM)2 CPU 6600 @ 2.40GHz (2 cores at 1596 MHz) User : sermnuab (SeRMN-UAB Users,,,) Descripti... * <TOPSPIN_HOME>/conf/instr/topshim/parameters/user * <TOPSPIN_HOME>/conf/instr/topshim/solvents/us
- hp_xw4400_400sb_topspin35 @informatica
- rg/Multiarch/HOWTO | Multiarch HOWTO for users.]] User-oriented info on how to use multiarch: configurat... ari flexlm <file> *** Warning *** Cannot create user account 'flexlm' and/or group 'flexlm': Cannot create user account flexlm: useradd flexlm : useradd: group flexlm exists - if you want to add this user to that group, use -g. </file> per resoldre el p
- hp_z230_400sb_topspin364_2 @informatica
- xpinstall * copiar els parameter sets ''~/par/user'' * :ok: prosol * copiar els valors de la d... AU Programs * [unchecked] <del>Recompile All User AU Programs</del> * Install Library CPD Progr... in3.6.3/conf/instr/... [...] /opt/topspin3.6.3/db/user/ /opt/topspin3.6.3/data/final/nmr/protocolfiles/... as pel nou usuari ''sermnuab''. </WRAP> * SAVE USER FILES * Location of backup file: ''/opt/topsp
- hp_z230_400sb_topspin363_2 @informatica
- xpinstall * copiar els parameter sets ''~/par/user'' * :ok: prosol * copiar els valors de la d... AU Programs * [unchecked] <del>Recompile All User AU Programs</del> * Install Library CPD Progr... in3.6.3/conf/instr/... [...] /opt/topspin3.6.3/db/user/ /opt/topspin3.6.3/data/final/nmr/protocolfiles/... pSpin amb les següents opcions: </WRAP> * SAVE USER FILES * Location of backup file: ''/opt/topsp
- changelog_116_a_117 @sermn_wiki:userpages:marta
- re: admin has to choose a group when he creates a user * feature: admin and instrument admin can make ... ngs behalf other project * feature: new kind of user: Main_Researcher who is the supervisor of one or ... s: Booking lists (for supervisors and admins) and User/Projects Lists (for supervisors and admins) * f... e_once 'inc/formslib/staticlist.php' ==== inc/bb/user.php ==== * **Extended: 1.32.1** * it has to s
- hp_z400_600_topspin363_2 @informatica
- xpinstall * copiar els parameter sets ''~/par/user'' * :ok: edprosol * comprovar si es poden i... AU Programs * [unchecked] <del>Recompile All User AU Programs</del> * Install Library CPD Progr... .6.3/classes/prop/ ... [...] /opt/topspin3.6.3/db/user/ /opt/topspin3.6.3/data/final/nmr/protocolfiles/... ó del TopSpin amb les següents opcions: * SAVE USER FILES * Location of backup file: ''/opt/topsp
- canvis_pc_albert @informatica
- ==== 2011-11-29 ==== Avui toca moure la carpeta "User" a la nova partició de 158 GB. Per això primer ha... quote Roobs @ Lifehacker> To most easily move all user files and user program files off your boot drive (an SSD in my case), follow these instructions. FIRST... o further configuration or fiddling required. New user profiles will all be stored on the d: drive, as w
- hp_z230t_400wb_topspin327 @informatica
- For further information, refer to the FLEXlm End User Manual, available at "www.macrovision.com". The ... For further information, refer to the FLEXlm End User Manual, available at "www.macrovision.com". The ... For further information, refer to the FLEXlm End User Manual, available at "www.macrovision.com". The ... ===== Comprovacions vàries ===== ==== Fitxers gp/user, par/user, pp/user, ... ==== Comprovo que s'hagi