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Enllaços sobre espectroscòpia de rmn

Cursos on-line


Llocs wiki

  • NMR Wiki, is an open non-profit online NMR project (started on Nov 8th 2007). The goal of this site is to provide a collaborative informational resource to Spectroscopists, Chemists, Biologists and others using magnetic resonance techniques.
  • SeRMN wiki, el nostre wiki 8-) per tot allò que afecta al funcionament del SeRMN.

Blogs on NMR

(Per ordre alfabètic del cognom de l'autor)

  • Carlos Cobas' Blog, un dels autors inicials del programa Mestre-C (actualment Mnova) i fundador de la companyia Mestrelab Research SL. El blog està dedicat principalment al processament i interpretació dels espectres de rmn.
  • Glen Facey's Blog, del servei de rmn de la Universitat d'Otawa. Tracta aspectes instrumentals, i com que tenen espectròmetres Bruker ens podem aprofitar.
  • Solid-State NMR Literature Blog pel grup d'en Rob Schurko a la University of Windsor.
  • Ryan's Blog on NMR Software, a ACD/Labs. Especialitzat en l'aplicació dels espectres de rmn a l'elucidació estructural i identificació dels components de mescles complexes.
  • Stan's NMR Blog , tracta una mica de tot: la història de la rmn, les persones que la van protagonitzar, els fonaments químico-físics de la rmn, etcètera.

Calculadores on-line


Ús general

  • is the ultimate resource for unit conversion. Use our free online unit converters to easily convert between different units of measurement. Simply select the appropriate unit converter from the lists below.

Basses de dades de desplaçaments químics

Solvents residuals

  • The Solvent Chemical Shift Finder. The solvent chemical shift finder is an experimental database of over 100 different solvents and reagents which might appear in an NMR spectrum. For further details consult the references,
    • I. C. Jones, G. J. Sharman, J. Pidgeon. Spectral Assignments and Reference Data. 1-H and 13-C NMR data to aid the identification and quantification of residual solvents by NMR spectroscopy Magn. Reson. Chem., 2005, 43, 497-509.
    • H. E. Gottlieb, V. Kotlyar, A. Nudelman. NMR Chemical Shifts of Common Laboratory Solvents as Trace Impurities J. Org. Chem., 1997, 62, 7512-7515.

Compostos orgànics

  • nmrshiftdb2 is a NMR database (web database) for organic structures and their nuclear magnetic resonance (nmr) spectra. It allows for spectrum prediction (13C, 1H and other nuclei) as well as for searching spectra, structures and other properties. Last not least, it features peer-reviewed submission of datasets by its users. The nmrshiftdb2 software is open source, the data is published under an open content license. Please consult the documentation for more detailed information. nmrshiftdb2 is the continuation of the NMRShiftDB project with additional data and bugfixes and changes in the software.
  • NMRdb is a web-based approach implementing a new java applet that enables to assign a chemical structure to the corresponding NMR spectrum by simply drawing lines between atoms and automatically characterized signals. Includes: NMR Simulator, NMR Resurrector, NMR Assigner and NMR Predictor.
  • Spectral Database for Organic Compounds (SDBS) is an integrated spectral database system for organic compounds,which includes 6 different types of spectra under a directory of the compounds. The six spectra are as follows, an electron impact Mass spectrum (EI-MS), a Fourier transform infrared spectrum (FT-IR), a 1H nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectrum, a 13C NMR spectrum, a laser Raman spectrum, and an electron spin resonance (ESR) spectrum.
    • NMR misinterpretation. Basic Misinterpretations, Typos and other Sad Events in NMR-Spectroscopy. What is presented on this page? This page holds examples of strange interpretation of NMR-data, either caused by missing basic knowledge about this method or caused by typos or caused by any other reason. What is intended with this page? The sole intention of this page is to promote massive application of computer programs to verify structural and spectral data. In NMR-Spectroscopy we are in the lucky situation, that we have already algorithms available which allow us to check our analytical data in a(n) (semi-)automatic way. Routine application of these programs would increase the quality of the chemical literature in an easy and efficient manner.
  • NMRPREDICT-Server. És un cul de sac sobre bases de dades i programes de predicció d'espectres de 13C. Per exemple,
    • Spectral Similarity Search, entra els desplaçaments químics dels teus pics a l'espectre de 13C i et trobarà estructures amb espectres semblants.
    • Aquest enllaç està estretament relacionat amb el programa comercial del mateix nom NMRPredict


Taules de desplaçaments químics

Taules periòdiques

Fonaments de la rmn

Programari d'interés

  • rNMR is an open source software package for visualizing and interpreting one and two dimensional NMR data. In contrast to most existing 2D NMR software, rNMR is specifically designed for high-throughput assignment and quantification of small molecules. As a result, rNMR supports extensive batch manipulation of plotting parameters and has numerous tools for expediting repetitive resonance assignment and quantification tasks.
  • PLT for Windows. PLT is a program for drawing chemical structures and creating hard copy on printers and other Windows-supported output devices.
  • AcornNMR Periodic Table. This is an Excel spreadsheet which calculates resonant frequencies for all magnetically active nuclei. Just enter your proton frequency (in cell B5) and all others are calculated from it.

Altres llocs web d'interés

  • Print Free Graph Paper. Save yourself money and a trip to the store! Print graph paper free from your computer. All graph paper files are optimized PDF documents requiring Adobe Reader for viewing. Available formats: Cartesian, Engineering, Polar, Isometric, Logarithmic, Hexagonal, Probability, and Smith; in Letter or Din a4 paper size; in inches or millimeters measuring units, and several chart spacing.
  • Martindales Center conté un munt d'enllaços d'interès per RMN i MRI, però no he tingut temps de comprovar la seva vàlua i utilitat.
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enllacos_rmn.1367941151.txt.gz · Last modified: 2013/05/07 17:39 by miquel