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Wordpress plugins (extensions)

Hi ha més de 14000 plugins disponibles per Wordpress, molts d'ells fan tasques semblants, fet que dificulta el triar quin és el més eficient o el que més s'ajusta a les nostre necessitats. Al final, moltes vegades la decisió final l'he pres seguint un procés en dues fases. A la primera he fet una tria preliminar en base a la descripció del plugin, a la seva popularitat i nota d'avaluació, a la data de la darrera actualització, i a comentaris i recomanacions a Internet. A la segona fase, he instal·lat, configurat i provat el plugin més ben valorat, i llavors he decidit si el mantenia o no.

En aquesta pàgina es recull el llistat de plugins del Wordpress instal·lats o descartats, i els motius de la decisió presa. Òbviament aquestes decisions i preferències es poden canviar i segurament canviaran a mida que actualitzem el programa Wordpress i els plugins siguin substituïts per altres de millors.

Recomanacions a Internet


  • No Self Pings evita que WordPress enviï pings al propi lloc, així ens estalviarem els avisos per pingbacks i que els enllaços a posts del mateix blog s'afegeixin automàticament a la llista de comentaris i que després s'hagin d'esborrar.
  • Co-authors-plus permet assignar més d'un autor a un post, de forma que si escrivim quelcom entre dos o tres o deu, tots podrem sortir com a co-autors.
  • Authors widget mostra la llista (o núvol) d'autors a la barra lateral.
  • Sharedaddy facilita que els lectors comparteixin els posts a través de xarxes locals com Facebook, o per email, o a través d'altres mitjans.
  • After the Deadline utilitza la intel·ligència artificial per comprovar la ortografia, el estil, i la gramàtica a WordPress. Per més informació consultar Support Proofreading.
  • WP-DBManager manages your WordPress database. Allows you to optimize database, repair database, backup database, restore database, delete backup database, drop/empty tables and run selected queries. Supports automatic scheduling of backing up and optimizing of database.
  • Contact Form 7 can manage multiple contact forms, plus you can customize the form and the mail contents flexibly with simple markup. The form supports Ajax-powered submitting, CAPTCHA, Akismet spam filtering and so on.
  • Subscribe to Comments is a robust plugin that enables commenters to sign up for e-mail notification of subsequent entries. The plugin includes a full-featured subscription manager that your commenters can use to unsubscribe to certain posts, block all notifications, or even change their notification e-mail address!
  • Statpress Visitors. This plugin (a highly improved fork of StatPress Reloaded) shows the real-time statistics on your blog. It corrects many programming errors of Statpress and statPress Reloaded. It collects information about visitors, spiders, search keywords, feeds, browsers, OS, etc., as Statpress Reloaded. It is compatible with all plugins Statpress derivative.
  • Search Unleashed extends the standard WordPress search with customisable search engines, including MySQL’s full text and Zend’s Lucene, as well as word highlighting and the ability to search across posts, pages, comments, titles, URLs, and meta-data.
  • WP Maintenance Mode adds a maintenance-page to your blog that lets visitors know your blog is down for maintenancetime. User with rights for theme-options get full access to the blog including the frontend. Activate the plugin and your blog is in maintenance-mode, works and see the frontend, only registered users with enough rights. You can use a date with a countdown for informations the visitors or set a value and unit for infomrations. Also you can add urls for exclude of maintenance mode.
  • Growmap Anti Spambot Plugin. This plugin will add a client side generated checkbox to your comment form asking users to confirm that they are not a spammer. It is a lot less trouble to click a box than it is to enter a captcha and because the box is genereated via client side javascript that bots cannot see, it should stop 99% of all automated spam bots.
  • SI CAPTCHA Anti-Spam. Adds CAPTCHA anti-spam methods to WordPress forms for comments, registration, lost password, login, or all. In order to post comments or register, users will have to type in the code shown on the image. This prevents spam from automated bots. Adds security. Works great with Akismet. Also is fully WP, WPMU, and BuddyPress compatible.

En proves

Aquests plugins estan instal·lats, però en proves. Això vol dir que poden estar activats o desactivats i que la seva configuració pot canviar. Aquells que superin satisfactòriament el període de proves, passaran al llistat d'instal·lats, els altres passaran a potser més endavant o descartats. Si observes comportaments estranys al blog potser és perquè els estic provant.

  • Simple Trackback Validation with Topsy Blocker. REPLACEMENT of the original Simple Trackback Validation Plugin from Miachel. Simple Trackback Validation Plugin performs a simple but very effective test on all incoming trackbacks in order to stop trackback spam. Now with blocker. Activat, però no sé si està fent res… caldrà esperar uns dies i veure què hi ha al fitxer de registre d'activitat.
  • AVH First Defense Against Spam. The AVH First Defense Against Spam plugin gives you the ability to block spammers before any content is served by identifying them at the Project Honey Pot, a local blacklist or the local IP cache. Visitors trying to post a comment are checked at Stop Forum Spam is not used to check before content is served due to the amount of requests, which overloads their infrastructure. Temporalment desactivat fins que tingui temps per estudiar cóm funciona.
  • Block Spam By Math Reloaded. This plugin protects your WordPress 3.x login, comments, and new user/new blog signup process against spambots with a simple math question. This plugin adds an extra layer of protection against comment spam and spam blog creation bots. While nothing is 100% fool proof the concept has been proven many times in various forms in the past. Block Spam By Math Reloaded combines the features of WPMU Block Spam By Math and the original Block Spam By Math into one plugin that supports the WordPress 3.x and Buddypress 1.2.7 platforms. Temporalment desactivat, no sé si seria redundant o complementari del SI CAPTCHA Anti-Spam.
  • emObA - Email Obfuscator Advanced effectively and automatically makes it difficult for spambots to harvest email addresses from your WordPress-powered blog. Email addresses may be placed in posts, comments, and pages, as html links, in a special “easy email” form, or as the address itself, and they will be protected by emObA automatically. All email addresses appearing on your blog will appear on the screen (if JavaScript is enabled) as active links to normal, valid, and correct email addresses, but to spambots they will have no recognizable features. (As usual, the actual email appears in the status bar when hovering.) No m'acaba de convèncer, crec que el més recomanable és no mostrar adreces d'email al blog, i que els visitants s'acostumin a fer servir el formulari de contacte.
  • Graceful Email Obfuscation. Simple, highly secure email obfuscation. In brief: always get a clickable link at the end for the user. The JavaScript fallback is fully accessible. Hiding email addresses from spammers has a long history. There are some obvious golden goals, like making the process seamless to your visitors, and be practicable to implement. The one that often gets left out is accessibility, but in some areas this is actually a legal requirement. No m'acaba de convèncer, crec que el més recomanable és no mostrar adreces d'email al blog, i que els visitants s'acostumin a fer servir el formulari de contacte.
  • Fast Secure Contact Form. This plugin allows a webmaster to easily create and add contact forms to WordPress. The contact form will let the user send emails to a site's admin. An administration panel is present, where the webmaster can create and preview unlimited forms. No m'agrada gaire el contact form plugin actualment instal·lat, aquest podria ser una bona alternativa.

Potser més endavant...

  • WP Super Cache is a very fast caching engine for WordPress that produces static html files. This plugin generates static html files from your dynamic WordPress blog. After a html file is generated your webserver will serve that file instead of processing the comparatively heavier and more expensive WordPress PHP scripts. :info: Cal estudiar si realment el necessitem, dependrà de si les pàgines es carreguen prou ràpidament.
  • HeadSpace2 SEO controls almost every aspect of your site's meta-data, including advanced tagging, Analytics, and dozens of plugins. HeadSpace2 is an all-in-one meta-data manager that allows you to fine-tune the SEO potential of your site. Visit the HeadSpace page for a video demonstration. :info: M'he de mirar amb més detall què fa el plugin i quins avantatges ens aportaria. Per cert, SEO o “Search engine optimization” és el procés de millorar la visibilitat d'un lloc o pàgina web als portals de cerques a través dels resultats de les cerques (traducció de la Wikipedia).
  • Revision Control allows finer control over the Post Revision system included with WordPress. The plugin allows the user to set a site-global setting (Settings → Revisions) for pages/posts to enable/disable/limit the number of revisions which are saved for the page/post. The user may change this setting on a per-page/post basis from the Revisions Meta box.
  • Thank you redirects commenters who just made their first comment to a page of your choice.
  • WP SlimStat is a simple but powerful real-time web analytics plugin for WordPress. It doesn't require any subscription to external statistic services: all metrics are kept on your local server, private and accessible to your eyes only. Features the famous one-click install-and-go.
  • Podria ser complementari de l'instal·lat? WP-Statistics displays Summary statistics of blog. This plugin displays: Total Posts, Total Pages, Total Comments, Total Spams*, Last Post Date, Feedburner Subscribe And Total Blog Hits.
  • WP-Stats-Dashboard. Display your blog's stats graph plus your blog traffic, social engagement and social influence directly in your dashboard. See how you're ranking on Alexa, check out your Technorati authority, monitor your ranking across multiple sites and much more. Once you install this plugin you'll wonder how you ever managed to track your social media worth without it.
  • Visitor Maps and Who's Online Displays Visitor Maps with location pins, city, and country. Includes a Who's Online Sidebar to show how many users are online. Includes a Who's Online admin dashboard to view visitor details. The visitor details include: what page the visitor is on, IP address, host lookup, online time, city, state, country, geolocation maps and more. No API key needed. Easy and Quick 4 step install. :info: sembla interessant, però millor esperem a tenir més visitants, no fos cas que algú es desanimés al principi ;-)
  • Editorial Calendar makes it possible to see all your posts and drag and drop them to manage your blog. The editorial calendar gives you an overview of your blog and when each post will be published. You can drag and drop to move posts, edit posts right in the calendar, and manage your entire blog. It can manage posts from multiple authors too.

Pendents d'avaluar

  • Advanced Search provides a bunch of advanced search options to tune the search. It also uses a much more effective search method: MySQL’s fulltext search. Advanced Search can be either used as a full-blown form on a dedicated page, or it can be used in the sidebar as a lightweight form (AS Lite). And the best: All the great options and features can easily be fine-tuned by you, the blog owner! The Advanced Search plugin is Free Software licensed under the GNU GPL.
  • WordPress Search plugin. This plugin is actually a package of three plugins. The first plugin installs the API that lets other plugins do the searching. The other two plugins use the API to provide search systems that we think will please most users who are dissatisfied with the built-in WordPress search results: MySQL Fulltext and Google Custom Search. (The Google plugin requires a Google account.) For the search-savvy, Justin also wrote a Sphinx-based plugin, Sphinx Search. This last one involves installing additional software on the server.
  • Helping WordPress Search With WordPress Plugins. Inclou llistats de plugins per diferents tipus de cerques,
    • WordPress Search WordPress Plugins: If you want to stick with a WordPress Plugin to improve the search on your WordPress blog, here are some options…
    • External Resources Search WordPress Plugins: Just as feeds can bring information from outside of your WordPress blog into it, so can various search functions and options bring search results from off-site sources to your WordPress blog.
    • Search Statistics: I’ll be covering more blog statistic WordPress Plugins soon, but here are some search specific WordPress Plugins you can use to keep track of what people are searching for on your WordPress blog.
  • WP to Twitter plugin posts a Twitter status update from your WordPress blog using either the or URL shortening services to provide a link back to your post from Twitter.
  • BEST TWITTER PLUGIN ? Simple Twitter Connect is a series of plugins that let you add any sort of Twitter functionality you like to a WordPress blog. This lets you have an integrated site without a lot of coding, and still letting you customize it exactly the way you'd like. First, you activate and set up the base plugin, which makes your site have basic Twitter functionality. Then, each of the add-on plugins will let you add small pieces of specific Twitter-related functionality, one by one.


  • Small caps reconeix les abreviatures de forma automàtica, i les mostra en versaleta (small-caps en anglès) on les majúscules tenen la mateixa mida-alçada que les lletres minúscules. L'he provat, però no m'ha agradat el resultat.
  • SEO Tag Cloud Widget mostra els autors en forma de núvol de paraules.
  • Cool Author Box adds a stylish author box with author name, bio, Gravatar and links after the content in posts and/or pages. The Cool Author Box plugin adds information about the author to the bottom of the content of posts and/or pages. The information is gathered from the profile info set inside WordPress. Aquest plugin afegeix una bonica casella amb informació sobre l'autor d'un post al final del post… ens acabaríem cansant de tant veure els nostres noms.
  • Author Information Widget mostra la informació dels autors (text “about me”, gravatar, dades de contacte, etc.) dels autors del blog. Per poder mostrar la informació hauríem d'afegir una segona barra lateral i amb això perdríem espai pel contingut del blog.
  • Jetpack és un plugin que afegeix vàries millores al servidor blog. Com que no totes em semblen interessants, i les que m'agraden estan disponibles individualment, he preferit instal·lar-les individualment.
  • Stats connecta el blog al servei d'estadística de per mostrar informació detallada de l'activitat del blog. No m'agrada la idea de que un tercer ( monitoritzi la nostra activitat. A més, requereix obrir un compte a
  • Thank Me Later (TML) will automatically send an e-mail to your those who leave a comment at your blog. Use this plugin to say 'Thanks' to your visitors, and prompt them to further engage with your blog. :info: No volem agrair la participació dels usuaris que facin comentaris enviant-los email que podria semblar spam.
  • ReplyMe sends an email to author automatically when someone replies to his comment. You can customise the content that you send. Note: You must enable threaded (nested) comments and deactivate any plugin like `Wordpress Thread Comment`. :info: La versió actual de Wordpress ja incorpora aquesta funcionalitat, aquest plugin seria redundant.
  • WP-DB-Backup allows you easily to backup your core WordPress database tables. You may also backup other tables in the same database. :info: El plugin WP-DBManager ja incorpora la possibilitat de fer còpies de seguretat automàtiques i enviar-les per email, alhora que ofereix moltes més possibilitats.
  • Math Comment Spam Protection asks the visitor making the comment to answer a simple math question. This is intended to prove that the visitor is a human being and not a spam robot. :info: No funciona correctament amb la versió de Wordpress instal·lada.

Buscar plugins per...

  • Millorar la privacitat, per exemple, amagar les adreces d'email.
  • Gestió dels comentaris. En particular, evitar spam als comentaris.
  • Permetre la subscripció via RSS i fer més visible la subscripció per email.
  • A mig termini, un cop tots els serveis estiguin en marxa, ens podria interessar integrar totes les novetats i missatges de canvis al Twitter.
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sermn_wiki/userpages/marta/servidor_blog_plugins.txt · Last modified: 2011/04/26 10:05 by miquel