SeRMN presentation at the 56th ENC 2015 Conference


During these days takes place the 56th Experimental Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Conference (ENC) in Asilomar Conference Grounds (Pacific Grove, California, USA) where Laura Castañar presents an Oral Communication entitled “HOBS: Broadband Homonuclear Decoupled Band-Selective NMR Experiments with Full Sensitivity”

Abstract: Recently, a novel NMR approach for recording broadband HOmodecoupled Band-Selective (HOBS) NMR spectra with full sensitivity has been reported. The HOBS technique is a frequency-selective experiment which affords fully homodecoupled singlet signals in particular areas of the 1H spectrum without sacrificing sensitivity, allowing the fast NMR data acquisition in the same experimental times as regular experiments. Here we present the easy and reliable implementation of the HOBS technique for a number of homo and heteronuclear multidimensional experiments, such as HOBS-TOCSY, HOBS-HSQC, HOBS-HSQMBC, HOBS Inversion-Recovery and HOBS-CPMG-PROJECT. In addition, its practical utility in a wide range of applications, covering the direct measurement of nJCH, the determination of T1 and T2 NMR relaxation times and the enantiodifferentiation studies, among other.

ENC2015_TOC_ Laura Castañar