Tag Archives: selective-excitation

Presentations at the SMASH NMR Conference 2013

Next week several SeRMN members will present our research work at the SMASH NMR Conference 2013 that will take place in Santiago de Compostela (Spain) from 22nd to 25th September. Find below a summary of our contributions.SMASH-2 Continue reading Presentations at the SMASH NMR Conference 2013

Measurement of long-range proton-carbon coupling constants from pure in-phase 1D multiplets

“Measurement of long-range proton-carbon constants from pure in-phase 1D multiplets”, by Juan F. Espinosa, Paloma Vidal, Teodor Parella and Sergi Gil: Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry 49, 502-507 (2011). DOI:10.1002/mrc.2782

A double-selective variant of the SELINCOR pulse sequence yields 1D proton multiplets that exhibit pure absortive in-phase lineshapes for precise measurement of specific long-range proton-carbon coupling constants in small organic molecules at natural abundance. Continue reading Measurement of long-range proton-carbon coupling constants from pure in-phase 1D multiplets

Fast 1D long-range proton-proton correlations

“Selective 1D HCH experiment: a fast NMR tool that connect protons belonging to different spin systems”, by Sergi Gil, Juan Félix Espinosa and Teodor Parella; Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry 49, 301-306 (2011). DOI: 10.1002/mrc.2744

A selective 1D version of the HCH experiment (selHCH) is proposed for the efficient and fast correlation between protons belonging to different spin systems. The experiment consists of two consecutive, doubly selective heteronuclear JCH transfer steps that can individually be optimized. As any conventional proton-selective 1D experiment, the successful application of a frequency-selective 180° pulse on a well-isolated proton is the only practical requirement. Continue reading Fast 1D long-range proton-proton correlations