Tag Archives: TOCSY

Rethinking COSY and TOCSY acquisition

Nolis, Pau & Teodor Parella. 2019. Practical aspects of the simultaneous collection of COSY and TOCSY spectra. Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry. DOI: 10.1002/mrc.4835

The practical aspects of some NMR experiments designed for the simultaneous acquisition of 2D COSY and 2D TOCSY spectra are presented and discussed. Several techniques involving afterglow‐based, CTP‐based and NOAH‐based strategies for the collection of different FIDs within the same scan are evaluated and compared. These methods offer a faster recording of these spectra in small‐molecule NMR when sensitivity is not a limiting factor, with a reduction in spectrometer time about 45%‐60% when compared to the conventional sequential acquisition of the parent experiments. It is also shown how the optimized design of an extended three‐FID approach yields one COSY and two TOCSY spectra simultaneously by combining CTP and NOAH principles in the same experiment, affording substantial sensitivity enhancements per time unit.

Multiplicity-edited 1H-1H TOCSY experiment

Pau Nolis and Teodor Parella

Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry 2017 (DOI: 10.1002/mrc.4695)


A 1H-1H TOCSY experiment incorporating 13C multiplicity information is proposed. In addition, broadband 1H homodecoupling in the indirect dimension can be implemented using a perfect BIRD module that affords exclusive 1H chemical shift evolution with full decoupling of all heteronuclear and homonuclear (including 2JHH) coupling constants. As a complement to the normal TOCSY and the recent PSYCHE-TOCSY experiments, this novel multiplicity-edited TOCSY experiment distinguishes between CH/CH3 (phased up) and CH2 (phased down) cross-peaks which facilitates resonance analysis and assignment.

Pure Shift NMR & HOBS Experiments

SeRMN seminar

  • Date:  Monday 16th December, 2013
  • Hour: 10 am
  • Location:  SeRMN,  Facultats de Ciències i Biociències, C2/-135
  • Speaker:  Laura Castañar, SeRMN PhD Student & Teaching Assistant, Dept. of Chemistry.

Pure Shift NMR Spectroscopy (05-09-2013)

A NMR pulse scheme that provides full sensitivity in homodecouped band-selective NMR experiments is proposed. Continue reading Pure Shift NMR & HOBS Experiments

Full sensitivity and enhanced resolution in homodecoupled band-selective NMR experiments

cover“Full sensitivity and enhanced resolution in homodecoupled band-selective NMR experiments” by Laura Castañar, Pau Nolis, Albert Virgili and Teodor Parella. Chem. Eur. J. 2013, 19, 17283-17286.

DOI: 10.1002/chem.201303235


A NMR pulse scheme that provides full sensitivity in homodecouped band-selective NMR experiments is proposed. Continue reading Full sensitivity and enhanced resolution in homodecoupled band-selective NMR experiments

Fast 1D long-range proton-proton correlations

“Selective 1D HCH experiment: a fast NMR tool that connect protons belonging to different spin systems”, by Sergi Gil, Juan Félix Espinosa and Teodor Parella; Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry 49, 301-306 (2011). DOI: 10.1002/mrc.2744

A selective 1D version of the HCH experiment (selHCH) is proposed for the efficient and fast correlation between protons belonging to different spin systems. The experiment consists of two consecutive, doubly selective heteronuclear JCH transfer steps that can individually be optimized. As any conventional proton-selective 1D experiment, the successful application of a frequency-selective 180° pulse on a well-isolated proton is the only practical requirement. Continue reading Fast 1D long-range proton-proton correlations