“Efficient and fast sign-sensitive determination of heteronuclear coupling constants” by Josep Saurí, Pau Nolis and Teodor Parella. Journal of Magnetic Resonance 236 (2013) 66–69. DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jmr.2013.08.013
Two complementary 1D NMR approaches for the fast and easy determination of the magnitude and the sign of heteronuclear J(XH) coupling constants are proposed:The Up&Down technique relies on the direct analysis of anti-phase multiplets whereas the Left&Right technique is based on the relative displacement between separate IPAP components.
Pulse Programs Code for Bruker:
- 1D U&D Method without gradients for coherence selection (for high-abundance heteronuclei)
- 1D U&D Method with gradients for coherence selection (for low-abundance heteronuclei)
- 1D L&R Method without gradients for coherence selection (for high-abundance heteronuclei)
- 1D L&R Method with gradients for coherence selection (for low-abundance heteronuclei)