Category Archives: News from the SeRMN

News about the SeRMN that do not fit in any other of the available categories.

We are moving our web services (cont.)

This is the continuation of a previous post. If you missed it, I recommend reading it first and then resume reading this post where I explain the new wiki for our users, the forum for news and announcements, and the new version of the booking software.

A wiki for our users

Until now the information relevant to users was scattered (some say hidden) throughout the pages at our website, and its management was affected by the technical limitations I already mentioned in my earlier post. In an attempt to improve the situation, less than two years ago we started a wiki site to evaluate the possibility of using a wiki to handle the amount of information we generate. Continue reading We are moving our web services (cont.)

We are moving our web services

We are relocating all our web services to a new server at At the same time we are upgrading the software or replacing it by better solutions when deemed advisable. While we are in the move, you can browse the old SeRMN website at

Funny moving houseFor the last few years we have managed several web services hosted at different servers. The SeRMN web page was at, the instrument booking was at, and there were two mail lists for news and notices to P.I. () and users (). Then we added recently a wiki site at to test whether it could be useful. It was clear that such multi-site situation had to come to an end the sooner the better, and now we are hard at work to make things much simpler.

Continue reading We are moving our web services

Welcome to the SeRMN blog!

This is the first post in our new blog, a web place where we plan to publicize the research done at the SeRMN, as well as to report the features and capabilities of the scientific equipment available at our facility. Additionally, we intend to explain how to make the best use of the nmr technique in multiple research fields by providing practical insights about the nmr methodologies and techniques available at the SeRMN.

Posts will be open to comments, indeed, we will appreciate your feedback and will certainly take into account your opinion to improve our service.

The Servei de Ressonància Magnètica Nuclear (SeRMN) of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona is a research support facility encompassing the amenities, the equipment, and the economic, managerial and human resources needed for the acquisition and processing of NMR spectra and images.

The SeRMN is available to researchers from UAB and from other universities and non-profit research institutions, as well as to scientists from private research enterprises.