How to measure long‐range proton‐carbon coupling constants from 1H‐selective HSQMBC experiments, by Josep Saurí, Pau Nolis and Teodor Parella. Magn. Reson. Chem. 2019. Early View, DOI:
Heteronuclear long‐range scalar coupling constants (nJCH) are a valuable tool for solving problems in organic chemistry and are especially suited for stereochemical and configurational analyses of small molecules and natural products. This tutorial will focus on the step‐by‐step implementation of several 2D 1H frequency selective HSQMBC experiments for the easy and accurate measurement of either the magnitude or both the magnitude and the sign of long‐range nJCH couplings. The performance of these experiments will be showcased with several scenarios in a range of different experimental conditions.
Bruker pulse program code for selHSQMBC experiments available here.
Bruker pulse program code for selHSQMBC-TOCSY experiment available here.
On 21st March 2018 I sucessfully defended my PhD Thesis entitled: “New Applications of Covariance NMR and Experimental Development for Measurements of Homonuclear Coupling Constants in Overlapping Signals” (ISBN: 9788449079252), supervised by Dr. Teodor Parella and Dr. Pau Nolis, and obtained the degree of Ph.D. in Chemistry at the Department of Chemistry, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.
Accurate measurement of proton homonuclear coupling constants in overlapped signals by using a doubly-selective TOCSY G-SERF experiment.
The experimental results obtained in this thesis are presented in the form of three papers published in NMR specialised scientific peer-reviewed journals.
Exploring the use of Generalized Indirect Covariance to Reconstruct Pure shift NMR Spectra: Current Pros and Cons. André Fredi, Pau Nolis, Carlos Cobas, Gary E. Martin and Teodor Parella. Journal of Magnetic Resonance, Volume 266, May 2016, Pages 16-22. DOI: 10.1016/j.jmr.2016.03.003
Access to experimentally infeasible spectra by pure-shift NMR covariance. André Fredi, Pau Nolis, Carlos Cobas and Teodor Parella. Journal of Magnetic Resonance, Volume 270, September 2016, Pages 161-168. DOI: 10.1016/j.jmr.2016.07.010
Accurate measurement of JHH in overlapped signals by a TOCSY‐edited SERF Experiment. André Fredi, Pau Nolis and Teodor Parella. Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry, Volume 55, Issue 6, June 2017, Pages 525-529. DOI: 10.1002/mrc.4572
The first two articles deal with the use of covariance NMR as a general method to generate novel psNMR spectra. The last work describes a new selTOCSY G-SERF experiment, for accurately measuring JHH in overlapped regions.
The first publication describes a novel general protocol to generate psNMR spectra by Covariance NMR. This new approach is unique in NMR spectroscopy; giving a cheap, fast an easy way to reconstruct psNMR spectra without spending time in the spectrometer. This new strategy has been referenced to as psNMR Covariance.
The concept of psNMR Covariance has been extended in the second publication by inserting Multiplicity-Edited (ME) information into 2D experiments that are difficult or even impossible to achieve experimentally. It is shown how the ME information can be efficiently transferred to a set of homonuclear and heteronuclear 2D NMR spectra by Covariance processing, reconstructing new psME spectra in a fast way. Finally, G-SERF and related methods only work for isolated 1H signals on which selective excitation can be successfully applied.
Unfortunately, as it happens in other frequency-selective experiments, this approach fails for overlapped signals. A doubly-selective TOCSY G-SERF scheme is presented in the third publication to circumvent this limitation, by measuring JHH efficiently even for protons resonating in crowded regions.
Access to experimentally infeasible spectra by pure-shift NMR covariance. André Fredi, Pau Nolis, Carlos Cobas and Teodor Parella. Journal of Magnetic Resonance, Volume 270, September 2016, Pages 161-168. DOI: 10.1016/j.jmr.2016.07.010
Abstract: Covariance processing is a versatile processing tool to generate synthetic NMR spectral representations without the need to acquire time-consuming experimental datasets. Here we show that even experimentally prohibited NMR spectra can be reconstructed by introducing key features of a reference 1D CHn-edited spectrum into standard 2D spectra. This general procedure is illustrated with the calculation of experimentally infeasible multiplicity-edited pure-shift NMR spectra of some very popular homonuclear (ME-psCOSY and ME-psTOCSY) and heteronuclear (ME-psHSQC-TOCSY and ME-psHMBC) experiments.
Title: Exploring the use of Generalized Indirect Covariance to Reconstruct Pure shift NMR Spectra: Current Pros and Cons. Authors: André Fredi, Pau Nolis, Carlos Cobas, Gary E. Martin and Teodor Parella. DOI:10.1016/j.jmr.2016.03.003
ABSTRACT: The current pros and cons of a processing protocol to generate pure chemical shift NMR spectra using Generalized Indirect Covariance are presented and discussed. The transformation of any standard 2D homonuclear and heteronuclear spectrum to its pure shift counterpart by using a reference DIAG spectrum is described. Reconstructed pure shift NMR spectra of NOESY, HSQC, HSQC-TOCSY and HSQMBC experiments are reported for the target molecule strychnine.
Some of our last research works has been presented by Núria Marcó at the annual meeting of the SmallMolecule NMR Conference (SMASH) that has been taken place in Baveno (Italy) from 20thto 24thSeptember 2015.
The present doctoral thesis is framed within the Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) spectroscopy field, more specifically in the design of modern NMR methodologies. The research work carried out is focused on the design and application of new and modern NMR methodologies (i) to perform efficient broadband 1H homodecoupling in 1D/2D NMR experiments and (ii) to accurately determine homo- and heteronuclear coupling constants in isotropic and anisotropic conditions through improved HSQC and HSQMBC-type experiments. The thesis is presented as a compendium ten (10) publications that have been published in several peer-reviewed international scientific journals as original research papers. Continue reading PhD Thesis: Development and application of modern pure shift NMR techniques and improved HSQC and HSQMBC experiments→
Development and application of modern pure shift NMR techniques and improved HSQC/HSQMBC experiments
In the following links one can find Data Set Examples of each Publication presented in the Thesis Work, as well as the corresponding Pulse Program Code for Bruker. All 2D spectra have been previously phased and 2ii, 2ir, and 2ri files removed, otherwise data sets would be too big. Continue reading PhD Thesis by Laura Castañar: Pulse Programs and Data Set Examples→
“Pure In-Phase Heteronuclear Correlation NMR Experiments ” by Laura Castañar, Josep Sauri, Robert Thomas Williamson, Albert Virgili and Teodor Parella. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2014, 53, 8379-8382. DOI: 10.1002/anie.201404136
A general NMR approach to provide pure in-phase (PIP) multiplets in heteronuclear correlation experiments is described. The implementation of a z-filter efficiently suppresses any unwanted anti-phase contributions that usually distort the multiplet pattern of cross-peaks and can make their analysis difficult. Continue reading Pure In-Phase Heteronuclear Correlation NMR Experiments→