Ultra high-resolution HSQC

SeRMN seminar

  • Date:  Thursday 7th May, 2015
  • Hour: 15:30
  • Location:  SeRMN,  Facultats de Ciències i Biociències, C2/-135
  • Speaker:  Núria Marcó, SeRMN PhD Student

The content of our recently published article entitled “Ultra high-resolution HSQC: Application to the efficient and accurate measurement of heteronuclear coupling constants” will be explained and discussed briefly. A rapid NMR data acquisition strategy in terms of enhanced resolution per time unit for the simple and efficient determination of multiple coupling constants is described. The use of 13C spectral aliasing combined with broadband 1H homodecoupling allows accurate measurements from ultra high resolved 2D HSQC cross-peaks.

Ultra HIgh Resolved HSQCportada