Category Archives: Our Research

These are short reports about the research activities carried out at the SeRMN.
In them we describe the work done in collaboration with research groups, to summarize communications presented at scientific meetings, to report visits and stages at other laboratories or facilities, and to comment the meetings and workshops we have attended.

CLIP-HSQMBC: Very easy, direct and accurate measurement of nJCH in organic molecules and natural products

CLIP-HSQMBC: Easy measurement of small proton-carbon coupling constants in organic molecules, by Josep Saurí, Teodor Parella and Juan F. Espinosa; Org. Biomol. Chem., 2013, 11, 4473-4478. DOI:10.1039/C3OB40675J

A user-friendly 2D NMR approach denoted as CLIP-HSQMBC is proposed for the very easy, direct and accurate measurement of long-range proton-carbon coupling constants in organic molecules and natural products. The J value can be extracted directly from the analysis of resolved in-phase 1H multiplets that show an additional splitting arising from the proton-carbon coupling. Continue reading CLIP-HSQMBC: Very easy, direct and accurate measurement of nJCH in organic molecules and natural products

J-selHSQMBC: Simultaneous measurement of JHH and two different nJCH using IPAP, J-resolved and E.COSY principles

cover_MRC“Simultaneous measurement of J(HH) and two different nJ(CH) coupling constants from a single multiply-edited 2D cross-peak”, by Josep Saurí and Teodor ParellaMagn. Reson. Chem. 201351, 397-402. DOI: 10.1002/mrc.3960

Three different J-editing methods (IPAP, E.COSY and J-resolved) are implemented in a single NMR experiment to provide spin-state-edited 2D cross-peaks from which simultaneous measurement of different homonuclear and heteronuclear coupling constants can be performed. Continue reading J-selHSQMBC: Simultaneous measurement of JHH and two different nJCH using IPAP, J-resolved and E.COSY principles

Metabolic responses of Quercus ilex seedlings to wounding analysed with nuclear magnetic resonance profiling

Plant Biology“Metabolomic responses of Quercus ilex seedlings to wounding simulating herbivory” By Jordi Sardans, Albert Gargallo-Garriga, Míriam Pérez-Trujillo, Teodor Parella, Roger Seco, Iolanda Filella, Josep  Peñuelas. Plant biology. April 2013. DOI: 10.1111/plb.12032.

Plants defense themselves against herbivory at several levels. One of these levels is the synthesis of inducible chemical defenses. By using NMR metabolomic technique we studied the metabolic changes of plant leaves after a wounding treatment simulating herbivore attack in the Mediterranean sclerophyllous tree Quercus ilex. Continue reading Metabolic responses of Quercus ilex seedlings to wounding analysed with nuclear magnetic resonance profiling

NMR-based Protocol for Ecometabolomics

13MEE“Ecometabolomics: Optimized NMR-based method” by Albert Rivas-Ubach, Miriam Pérez-Trujillo, Jordi Sardans, Albert Gargallo-Garriga, Teodor Parella, Josep Peñuelas. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, February 2013. DOI: 10.1111/2041-210X.12028

Metabolomics is allowing great advances in biological sciences and in particular Ecometabolomics (metabolomic approach for ecological studies). Ecometabolomics is a powerful tool that allows identifying changes in the metabolome of individuals of the same species associated to environmental changes, detecting and identifying biological markers. Continue reading NMR-based Protocol for Ecometabolomics

Brain magnetic resonance in liver failure

“Brain magnetic resonance in experimental acute-on-chronic liver failure” by L. Chavarria, M. Oria, J. Romero-Giménez, J. Alonso, S. Lope-Piedrafita, and J. Cordoba.
Liver International 33 (2013) 294-300. DOI: 10.1111/liv.12032

Liver failure causes brain edema that can lead to intracranial hypertension and death. It is currently uncertain whether this water accumulation is predominantly intracellular or extracellular, something important to determine in order to apply the most adequate therapeutic measures. The aim of this study was to investigate the mechanisms involved in the neurological manifestations occurring in an experimental acute-on-chronic liver failure rat model that combines sustained liver injury with a factor inducing an inflammatory response.

Continue reading Brain magnetic resonance in liver failure


TRANSCAT ITN ProjectTransforming Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy into a Clinical Tool (TRANSACT) is an European research project awarded in the call FP7-PEOPLE-2011-ITN, of the 7th Framework Programme Marie-Curie Actions, to a network of partners including the GABRMN and SeRMN at UAB, and the associated partner CIBER-BBN. The project is coordinated by Prof. Sabine Van Huffel, Prof. Uwe Himmelreich, and Dr. Diana Sima, of the Department of Electrical Engineering ESAT-SCD, and Department of Imaging & Pathology, Biomedical MRI Unit, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Leuven, Belgium. Scientist-in-charge at UAB will be Prof. Carles Arús (GABRMN) and Miquel Cabañas (SeRMN), and Dr. Margarida Julià-Sapé will be scientist-in-charge at CIBER-BBN. Dr. Silvia Lope-Piedrafita (SeRMN) will take part in the project as senior scientist.

Continue reading TRANSACT-ITN project awarded to GABRMN, SeRMN & CIBER-BBN

P.E.HSQMBC: Simultaneous measurement of proton–proton and proton–carbon coupling constants

“P.E.HSQMBC: Simultaneous measurement of proton–proton and proton–carbon coupling constants” by Josep Saurí, Pau Nolis, Laura Castañar, Albert Virgili and Teodor Parella. Journal of Magnetic Resonance 224 (2012) 101–106. DOI: 10.1016/j.jmr.2012.09.007

A long-range optimized P.E.HSQC experiment, named P.E.HSQMBC, is proposed for the simultaneous measurement of a complete set of homonuclear and heteronuclear coupling constants from a single 2D cross-peak. Continue reading P.E.HSQMBC: Simultaneous measurement of proton–proton and proton–carbon coupling constants

HSQMBC-COSY: Measurement of the sign and the magnitude of long-range proton-carbon coupling constants

“Efficient measurement of the sign and the magnitude of long-range proton-carbon coupling constants from a spin-state-selective HSQMBC-COSY experiment”, by Josep Saurí and Teodor Parella; Magn. Reson. Chem. 2012, 50, 717-721. DOI:10.1002/mrc.3867

A spin-state-selective HSQMBC-COSY experiment is proposed to measure the sign and  the magnitude of long-range proton-carbon coupling constants (nJ(CH); n>1) either for protonated and for non-protonated carbons in small molecules. Continue reading HSQMBC-COSY: Measurement of the sign and the magnitude of long-range proton-carbon coupling constants

Master thesis on NMR methods to mesure residual proton-carbon dipolar couplings in small molecules

Last September I defended my Master thesis entitled: “Medida de Acoplamientos Dipolares Residuales en Moléculas Orgánicas”

In recent years the use of Residual Dipolar Couplings (RDCs) has had a huge impact on the structure determination of biological macromolecules by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR). Its usefulness in determining the structure of small/medium-size organic compounds is increasingly more recognized. Continue reading Master thesis on NMR methods to mesure residual proton-carbon dipolar couplings in small molecules

How does HR-MAS spin rate affect the spectral pattern of mobile lipids?

“Influence of the spinning rate in the HR-MAS pattern of mobile lipids in C6 glioma cells and in artificial oil bodies” Juana Martín-Sitjar, Teresa Delgado-Goñi, Miquel E. Cabañas, Jason Tzen, Carles Arús; Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology and Medicine, 2012, 25(6):487-496. DOI: 10.1007/s10334-012-0327-6

Object: To evaluate how spinning rate affects mobile lipid (ML) resonances visibility in HR-MAS spectra of C6 glioma cells and artificial oil bodies (AOB), as models of cytosolic lipid droplets. Materials and methods: Using C6 cells and AOB of two different sizes, 780 ± 580 and 240 ± 293 nm, as models, we acquired HR-MAS pulse and acquire spectra at different spinning rates between 500 and 15,000 Hz, all at 37 °C. Continue reading How does HR-MAS spin rate affect the spectral pattern of mobile lipids?