Category Archives: Our Research

These are short reports about the research activities carried out at the SeRMN.
In them we describe the work done in collaboration with research groups, to summarize communications presented at scientific meetings, to report visits and stages at other laboratories or facilities, and to comment the meetings and workshops we have attended.

Review: Recent Advances in Small Molecule NMR: Improved HSQC and HSQMBC Experiments

annrep“Recent Advances in Small Molecule NMR: Improved HSQC and HSQMBC Experiments” by Laura Castañar and Teodor Parella. Annual Reports on NMR Spectroscopy, 2015, 84:163–232. DOI: 10.1016/bs.arnmr.2014.10.004

A general description of the latest developments in heteronuclear single-quantum correlation and heteronuclear single-quantum multiple bond correlation experiments designed for small molecules at the natural isotopic abundance is reported. Continue reading Review: Recent Advances in Small Molecule NMR: Improved HSQC and HSQMBC Experiments

Automation in 1JCH measurements from Pure Shift NMR experiments

SeRMN seminar

  • Date: Thursday 27th November, 2014
  • Hour: 12 am
  • Location:  SeRMN,  Facultats de Ciències i Biociències, C2/-135
  • Speaker:  Dr. Pau Nolis, SeRMN

A preliminary version of an applet that performs the authomatic measurement of 1J(CH) couplings from homodecoupled iINEPT-Jres HSQC experiment will be presented. Continue reading Automation in 1JCH measurements from Pure Shift NMR experiments

Hyperpolarized 13C Magnetic Resonance in Acute Liver Failure Rats

2014_coverNMinBiomedReal-time assessment of 13C metabolism  reveals an early lactate increase in the brain of rats with acute liver failure” by Laia Chavarria, Jordi Romero-Giménez, Eva Monteagudo, Silvia Lope-Piedrafita, Juan Cordoba. NMR in Biomedicine (2014) 28:17-23. DOI: 10.1002/nbm.3226

Intracranial hypertension is a severe complication of acute liver failure (ALF) secondary to brain edema. The pathogenesis of cerebral edema in ALF is not clear, but seems to be related to energy metabolism in which lactate may have an important role. The aim of this study was to follow the synthesis of brain lactate using a novel in vivo metabolic technology in a rat model of ALF. Continue reading Hyperpolarized 13C Magnetic Resonance in Acute Liver Failure Rats

Opposite metabolic responses of shoots and roots to drought

scireports Opposite metabolic responses of shoots and roots to drought by Albert Gargallo-Garriga, Jordi Sardans, Míriam Pérez-Trujillo, Albert Rivas-Ubach, Michal Oravec, Teodor Parella and Josep Peñuelas. Scientific reports 4, Article number: 6829, October 2014. DOI: 10.1038/srep06829

Shoots and roots are autotrophic and heterotrophic organs of plants with different physiological functions. Do they have different metabolomes? Do their metabolisms respond differently to environmental changes such as drought? We used metabolomics and elemental analyses to answer these questions. Continue reading Opposite metabolic responses of shoots and roots to drought

Diversity of pyrrolizidine alkaloids in native and invasive Senecio pterophorus (Asteraceae): Implications for toxicity

14Phytochemistry“Diversity of pyrrolizidine alkaloids in native and invasive Senecio pterophorus (Asteraceae): Implications for toxicity” by Eva Castells, Patrick P.J. Mulder  and Miriam Perez-Trujillo. Phytochemistry (2014) 108:137-146. DOI: 10.1016/j.phytochem.2014.09.006

Changes in plant chemical defenses after invasion could have consequences on the invaded ecosystems by modifying the interactions between plants and herbivores and facilitating invasion success. However, no comprehensive biogeographical studies have yet determined the phenotypic levels of plant chemical defenses, as consumed by local herbivores, covering large distributional areas of a species. Continue reading Diversity of pyrrolizidine alkaloids in native and invasive Senecio pterophorus (Asteraceae): Implications for toxicity

Perfect-HSQC experiments: pure in-phase spectra

cover“Suppresión of phase and amplitude JHH modulations in HSQC experiments” by Laura Castañar, Eduard Sistaré, Albert Virgili, Robert Thomas Williamson and Teodor Parella. Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry, 2014 , 53:115-119. DOI: 10.1002/mrc.4149

The amplitude and the phase of cross peaks in conventional 2D HSQC experiments are modulated by both proton–proton, JHH, and proton–carbon, 1JCH, coupling constants. It is shown by spectral simulation and experimentally that JHH interferences are suppressed in a novel perfect-HSQC pulse scheme that incorporates perfect-echo INEPT periods. Continue reading Perfect-HSQC experiments: pure in-phase spectra

SeRMN presentations at the 2014 Ibero-American NMR & GERMN Bienal & Iberian NMR meeting

Imagen1Some of our last research work will be presented next week at the VI Ibero-American NMR – VII GERMN Bienal – IV Iberian NMR joint meeting that will take place in Alcalá de Henares, Madrid (Spain) from 22nd to 25th September. Find below a summary of our contributions.

Laura Castañar presents an oral communication and a poster entitled “Enantiodifferentiation throgh frequency-selective pure shift 1H NMR”.  NMR-aided discrimination of enantiomers using chiral solvating agents (CSAs) is a well established method to carry out enantiodifferentiation studies. Continue reading SeRMN presentations at the 2014 Ibero-American NMR & GERMN Bienal & Iberian NMR meeting

SeRMN presentations at the SMASH NMR 2014 Conference

Some of our last research works will be presented at the annual meeting of the Small Molecule NMR Conference (SMASH) that will take place in Atlanta (USA) from 7th to 10th September 2014.

Continue reading SeRMN presentations at the SMASH NMR 2014 Conference

Simultaneous 1H and 13C NMR enantiodifferentiation from highly-resolved pure shift HSQC spectra

CoverIssue“Simultaneous 1H and 13C NMR enantiodifferentiation from highly-resolved pure shift HSQC spectra” by Miriam Pérez-Trujillo, Laura Castañar, Eva Monteagudo, Lars T. Kuhn, Pau Nolis, Albert Virgili, R. Thomas Williamson and Teodor Parella. Chemical Communications  50:10214-10217 (2014). DOI: 10.1039/C4CC04077E

NMR-aided discrimination of enantiomers using chiral solvating agents (CSAs) is a well established method of enantiodifferentiation and measurement of enantiomeric ratios (er). The analysis is traditionally performed by observing chemical shift differences (ΔΔδ) in 1H signals by conventional 1D 1H NMR spectra. However, low ΔΔδ values and signal overlap caused by complex multiplets lead to the lack of spectral signal dispersion that preclude a straightforward analysis. Continue reading Simultaneous 1H and 13C NMR enantiodifferentiation from highly-resolved pure shift HSQC spectra

Pure In-Phase Heteronuclear Correlation NMR Experiments

“Pure Incover-Phase Heteronuclear Correlation NMR Experiments ” by Laura Castañar, Josep Sauri, Robert Thomas Williamson, Albert Virgili and Teodor Parella. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2014, 53, 8379-8382. DOI: 10.1002/anie.201404136

A general NMR approach to provide pure in-phase (PIP) multiplets in heteronuclear correlation experiments is described. The implementation of a z-filter efficiently suppresses any unwanted anti-phase contributions that usually distort the multiplet pattern of cross-peaks and can make their analysis difficult. Continue reading Pure In-Phase Heteronuclear Correlation NMR Experiments