Tag Archives: MRSI

PhD Thesis: Implementation of high-resolution MRSI methods in a pre-clinical scanner, and optimization for brain longitudinal studies of therapy response in mice glioma model.

Last 26th July 2023 I successfully defended my PhD Thesis entitled: “PhD Thesis: Implementation of high-resolution MRSI methods in a pre-clinical scanner, and optimization for brain longitudinal studies of therapy response in mice glioma model.”


Magnetic resonance spectroscopy and magnetic resonance spectroscopic imaging (MRS/MRSI) are non-invasive diagnostic techniques that use a strong magnetic field and radio waves to examine the chemical composition of living tissue. Working on the same principles as Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), instead of producing images, MRS generates a spectrum of signals that can be used to identify the type and amount of molecules present in a tissue. The utility of MRS and MRSI has already been established in many studies, providing useful information about the chemical makeup of different regions of the brain, and allowing diagnosis of conditions such as Alzheimer’s disease, multiple sclerosis, and brain Glioblastoma (GB) tumors.

Preclinical glioblastoma studies looking forward to improving therapeutic outcomes are necessary since clinical GB has no current cure. These studies can greatly benefit from improved spatial resolution and homogeneity of the acquired MRSI grids. Hence, we can work towards improved acquisition schemes enhancing the quality of acquired data using MRS and MRSI. There exists a methodological consensus among spectroscopy experts where the Localized Adiabatic Spin Echo Refocused (semiLASER) data acquisition strategy has been ranked as the most likely localization technique to improve (pre) clinical MRS. SemiLASER uses adiabatic pulses to selectively excite and refocus the signal from a localized volume of interest in the brain. This results in a higher signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and better spatial resolution compared to conventional data acquisition sequences.

Partial volume effects can occur in MRSI when the voxel (a 3D volume of interest) being measured contains a mixture of different neighbouring tissue types or compartments, such as grey and white matter or cerebrospinal fluid. This can lead to inaccurate quantification of metabolites, as the signal from one tissue can mix with the signal from another and affect overall pattern recorded. SemiLASER is designed to minimize partial volume effects by using adiabatic pulses to selectively excite and refocus the signal from a small region of interest within the voxel. This allows for more accurate quantification of metabolites within the region of interest, while reducing the contamination of the signal by other tissue types. In addition, semiLASER also employs an outer-volume suppression (OVS) technique to further reduce contamination from outside the region of interest. This involves using additional adiabatic pulses to selectively saturate the signal from outside the volume of interest, so that it does not contribute to the MRSI signal. Overall, the combination of selective excitation and OVS in semiLASER can help improve the accuracy of MRSI measurements and reduce partial volume effects.

Although, the clinical utility of semiLASER has been acknowledged, the pre-clinical use and implementation of semiLASER still remains a less explored area. Our group has a long record of using MRSI in therapy response monitoring of a murine model glioblastoma (the GL261 cell line) using a commercially available MRSI acquisition sequence. In our efforts towards bridging the barriers between pre-clinical and clinical research, we have implemented the clinically verified semiLASER sequence on a pre-clinical 7T Bruker Biospec USR scanner running the ParaVision 5.1 software package, which provides a graphical user interface for sequence programming and data acquisition. The single and multi-voxel semiLASER sequences were implemented with the idea that the developments generated during this PhD project will be replicable by other interested users.

The implemented SV-semiLASER and MRSI-semiLASER sequences for preclinical acquisitions were optimised to perform high resolution MRSI of living mouse brain. For this, sequences were duly verified and tested first in phantoms and later in-vivo, in wild-type (wt) and tumor bearing (GL261) mice. To do so, the Bruker pulse sequence implementation was first studied in detail to become familiar with the Bruker programming environment and a test sequence PRESS_Slice to localize the slice dimension was developed by modifying the Bruker stock PRESS sequence for single voxel localization. After careful evaluation of test sequence results, the semiLASER single and multi-voxel sequences were also implemented using a similar strategy.

The implemented SV-semiLASER sequence provided a ca. 1.4-fold improvement in SNR in phantoms and ca. 1.3-fold improvement in SNR for in-vivo subjects, in comparison to the stock Bruker PRESS (single volume acquisition) sequence. The MRSI-semiLASER sequence resulted in a ca. 1.3-fold improvement of SNR in phantoms and in-vivo subjects compared to the stock Bruker CSI-PRESS sequence. Combined with phase encoding strategies and volume reduction methods, higher spatial resolution and SNR was achieved for the implemented MRSI-semiLASER. The quantification analysis of the results was done using MATLAB based post-processing tools specially designed to process Bruker datasets and solutions for a faster post processing pipeline were proposed. The single voxel MRSI-semiLASER sequences were further simulated using NMRSCOPE-B virtual simulator, a jMRUI plug-in which positively correlated with the experimental results. Preliminary nosological images obtained using MRSI-semiLASER datasets and the SpectraClassifier tool previously developed in our group, and trained with GL261 tumors using already available CSI-PRESS data, suggested those classifiers could be robust enough to recognize the tumor region acquired with the semi-LASER sequence. Still, classifiers may require retraining for the evaluation of response to therapy, which is an ongoing project within the group.

The thesis dissertation can be downloaded in PDF format using the link below or from the official TXD and Teseo repositories (currently in progress):


I would like to thank the financial support by the European Comission Marie Curie Initial Training Networks (ITN, call H2020-MSCA-ITN-2018, grant 813120 to project INSPiRE-MED); by the Ministry of Science and Insdustry (MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033) (APC); and by Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red—Bioingeniería, Biomateriales y Nanomedicina (CIBER-BBN http://www.ciber-bbn.es/en, CB06/01/0010), an initiative of the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (Spain) co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). I was recipient of a Marie Skłodowska-Curie early-stage researcher fellowship of the INSPiRE-MED project (Grant agreement ID: 813120)

12th Workshop on Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy and Imaging (MRI/MRS) Applied to Laboratory Animals

Workshop dates:February 15th – 18th, 2021
Registration deadline:February 8th, 2021
Registration:  online
Capacity:Workshop limited to 4 participants (first come, first served)
Contact person:Silvia Lope-Piedrafita, PhD (silvia.lope@uab.es)

This course combines a comprehensive series of lectures on the technology of Magnetic resonance spectroscopy and imaging (MRS/MRI) with hands-on laboratory sessions to provide practical demonstrations of key concepts and procedures for preclinical studies.

Whether you are considering MRI as a research tool in your lab or just would like to learn more about MRI, this workshop addresses practical aspects of experimental MRI with laboratory animals and provide valuable hands-on experience on a 7 Tesla Bruker BioSpec spectrometer.

See the workshop brochure for more information or contact Dr. Silvia Lope via email.

Job offer at CIBER for the INSPiRE-MED project

We are recruiting an Early Stage Researcher to work on a decision-support system based on MRSI data at 3T, for glioblastoma therapy response follow- up, as part of the INSPiRE-MED European project.

We seek a highly motivated and qualified individual as Early Stage Researcher for a three-year applied research project. The successful candidate will contribute to the development of advanced biomedical research tools in the field of Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy and Imaging, and its application to the clinical day-to-day practice.

Project description: This position is one of the 15 ESR positions of the INSPiRE-MED European Training Network, which focuses on the development of Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (MRS) and MR Spectroscopic Imaging (MRSI) combined with Positron Emission Tomography (PET), enhanced by machine learning techniques.

The main aim of the PhD project (ESR12) will be development of a Machine Learning medical decision-support system based on MRSI data at 3T, for glioblastoma therapy response follow-up.

The ESR will develop a novel medical decision support system (MDSS) focused on glioblastoma therapy response follow-up, based on magnetic resonance spectroscopic imaging (MRSI) data, able to take and process data from multiple MRSI formats and centres. For each patient’s MRSI, the MDSS should deliver a nosological or classification image, ready to be fused with images of other MR modalities from the same patient. The DSS will be integrated into the interface of the academic version of jMRUI, in a way that allows clinicians evaluate the system with their data. An important part of of the project will be the incorporation of automated MRSI artifact detection and removal tools.

Continue reading Job offer at CIBER for the INSPiRE-MED project

Job offer for the INSPiRE-MED project

This job offer has expired

Official call by Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Deadline for submissions: 21/5/2019 at 23:00

See UAB and/or Euraxess advertisements for further information about the position and how to apply.

We are recruiting an Early Stage Researcher to work on the implementation of high-resolution MRSI methods in a pre-clinical scanner as part of the INSPiRE-MED European project.

We seek a highly motivated and qualified individual as Early Stage Researcher for a three-year applied research project. The successful candidate will contribute to the development of advanced biomedical research tools in the field of Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy and Imaging, and its application to the clinical day-to-day practice.

Project description: This position is one of the 15 ESR positions of the INSPiRE-MED European Training Network, which focuses on the development of Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (MRS) and MR Spectroscopic Imaging (MRSI) combined with Positron Emission Tomography (PET), enhanced by machine learning techniques.

The main aim of the PhD project (ESR4) will be the implementation of innovative high spatial resolution MRSI methods in a pre-clinical scanner. The ultimate goal will be the validation of optimal methods for improving imaging biomarker development of brain tumour in longitudinal studies of therapy response in mouse glioblastoma models. The project will involve evaluation of the methodology performance limits, repeatability and reproducibility compared to stock Bruker Biospec MRSI sequences and the assessment of speed-up MRSI methods in a 7-Tesla pre-clinical scanner.

Continue reading Job offer for the INSPiRE-MED project

Job offer at CIBER for the INSPiRE-MED project

We are recruiting an Early Stage Researcher to work on a decision-support system based on MRSI data at 3T, for glioblastoma therapy response follow- up,as part of the INSPiRE-MED European project.

We seek a highly motivated and qualified individual as Early Stage Researcher for a three-year applied research project. The successful candidate will contribute to the development of advanced biomedical research tools in the field of Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy and Imaging, and its application to the clinical day-to-day practice.

Project description: This position is one of the 15 ESR positions of the INSPiRE-MED European Training Network, which focuses on the development of Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (MRS) and MR Spectroscopic Imaging (MRSI) combined with Positron Emission Tomography (PET), enhanced by machine learning techniques.

The main aim of the PhD project (ESR12) will be development of a Machine Learning medical decision-support system based on MRSI data at 3T, for glioblastoma therapy response follow-up.

The ESR will develop a novel medical decision support system (MDSS) focused on glioblastoma therapy response follow-up, based on magnetic resonance spectroscopic imaging (MRSI) data, able to take and process data from multiple MRSI formats and centres. For each patient’s MRSI, the MDSS should deliver a nosological or classification image, ready to be fused with images of other MR modalities from the same patient. The DSS will be integrated into the interface of the academic version of jMRUI, in a way that allows clinicians evaluate the system with their data. An important part of of the project will be the incorporation of automated MRSI artifact detection and removal tools.

Continue reading Job offer at CIBER for the INSPiRE-MED project

Job offer for the INSPiRE-MED project

Job offer now closed and replaced by this job offer.

We are recruiting an Early Stage Researcher to work on the implementation of high-resolution MRSI methods in a pre-clinical scanner as part of the INSPiRE-MED European project.

We seek a highly motivated and qualified individual as Early Stage Researcher for a three-year applied research project. The successful candidate will contribute to the development of advanced biomedical research tools in the field of Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy and Imaging, and its application to the clinical day-to-day practice.

Project description: This position is one of the 15 ESR positions of the INSPiRE-MED European Training Network, which focuses on the development of Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (MRS) and MR Spectroscopic Imaging (MRSI) combined with Positron Emission Tomography (PET), enhanced by machine learning techniques.

The main aim of the PhD project (ESR4) will be the implementation of innovative high spatial resolution MRSI methods in a pre-clinical scanner. The ultimate goal will be the validation of optimal methods for improving imaging biomarker development of brain tumour in longitudinal studies of therapy response in mouse glioblastoma models. The project will involve evaluation of the methodology performance limits, repeatability and reproducibility compared to stock Bruker Biospec MRSI sequences and the assessment of speed-up MRSI methods in a 7-Tesla pre-clinical scanner.

Continue reading Job offer for the INSPiRE-MED project

INSPiRE-MED project awarded to GABRMN & SeRMN

Integrating Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy and Multimodal Imaging for Research and Education in MEDicine (INSPiRE-MED) is an European research project awarded in the call H2020-MSCA-ITN-2018, of the MSCA-ITN-ETN – European Training Networks, to a consortium of partners including the GABRMN and SeRMN at UAB. The project is coordinated by Prof. Dominique Sappey-Marinier, of the Université Lyon-1 Claude-Bernard, Lyon, France. The scientist-in-charge at UAB will be Prof. Carles Arús (GABRMN), and Silvia Lope-Piedrafita (SeRMN) and Miquel Cabañas (SeRMN) will participate as senior scientists in the project.

Starting 1st of January 2019, the INSPiRE-MED Initial Training Network will investigate the theoretical and practical aspects of in vivo Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (MRS) and Spectroscopic Imaging (MRSI) with applications in oncology and neurology.

The network will host 15 Early Stage Researchers in the field of biomedical imaging, particularly in the field of Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (MRS) and MR Spectroscopic Imaging (MRSI) combined with Positron Emission Tomography (PET) and enhanced by machine learning techniques. The research training is supervised by a consortium of 12 academic partners with an established collaborative track record in R&D and 9 industrial partners from the broad and competitive preclinical and clinical imaging sector.

The main research topic to be carried at UAB —in close collaboration with other project members— will be the implementation of innovative high spatial resolution MRSI methods in a pre-clinical scanner. The ultimate goal will be the validation of optimal methods for improving imaging biomarker development of brain tumour in longitudinal studies of therapy response in mouse glioblastoma models.

Continue reading INSPiRE-MED project awarded to GABRMN & SeRMN

11th Workshop on Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy and Imaging (MRI/MRS) Applied to Laboratory Animals

Workshop dates:June 25th – 28th, 2018
Registration deadline:June 10th, 2018
Registration:  online
Capacity:Workshop limited to 4 participants (first come, first served)
Contact person:Silvia Lope-Piedrafita, PhD (silvia.lope@uab.es)

This course combines a comprehensive series of lectures on the technology of Magnetic resonance spectroscopy and imaging (MRS/MRI) with hands-on laboratory sessions to provide practical demonstrations of key concepts and procedures for preclinical studies.

Whether you are considering MRI as a research tool in your lab or just would like to learn more about MRI, this workshop addresses practical aspects of experimental MRI with laboratory animals and provide valuable hands-on experience on a 7 Tesla Bruker BioSpec spectrometer.

See the workshop brochure for more information or contact Dr. Silvia Lope via email.

NEW BOOK RELEASE: “Preclinical MRI methods and protocols”

García Martín, María Luisa & Pilar López Larrubia (eds.). 2018. Preclinical MRI. Methods in Molecular Biology series. Springer New York. DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4939-7531-0

This book was conceived with the idea of providing an update on a wide variety of preclinical MRI methods and protocols to help technicians and researchers interested in this technology. The basics of MRI physics are introduced, followed by chapters describing updated methodology and protocols for some standard and more advanced MRI techniques covering diffusion, perfusion, functional imaging, in-vivo spectroscopy (proton and heteronuclear), susceptibility contrast MRI… The book also contains some chapters where some applications of those methods are illustrated in animal models of several diseases including cancer, stroke and neurodegeneration. Protocols are described in a step-by-step approach, with interesting notes and tips at the end of each chapter, which -a priori- should allow the new worker to obtain successful results with the first attempt ;o) .

Metronomic treatment in immunocompetent preclinical glioblastoma

“Metronomic treatment in immunocompetent preclinical GL261 glioblastoma: effects of cyclophosphamide and temozolomide” by by L. Ferrer-Font,  N. Arias-Ramos, S. Lope-Piedrafita, M. Julià-Sapé , M. Pumarola, C. Arús  and A. P. Candiota. NMR Biomed. 2017. DOI: 10.1002/nbm.3748. 

Glioblastoma (GBM) causes poor survival in patients even when applying aggressive treatment. In preceding years, efforts have focused in new therapeutic regimens with conventional drugs to activate immune responses that may enhance tumor regression and prevent regrowth, as for example the “metronomic” approaches.

We have evaluated whether metronomic CPA or TMZ administration could increase survival in orthotopic GL261 in C57BL/6 mice, an immunocompetent model. Longitudinal in vivo studies with CPA (140 mg/Kg) or TMZ (range 140-240 mg/Kg) metronomic administration (every 6 days) were performed in tumor-bearing mice. Tumor evolution was monitored at 7T with T2-weighted MRI, Diffusion weighted imaging and MRSI-based nosological images of response to therapy. Obtained results demonstrated that both treatments resulted in increased survival (38.6+21.0 days, n=30) compared to control (19.4+2.4 days, n=18). Also, it was found a clear edema appearance during chemotherapeutic treatment suggesting inflammatory associated processes. The necropsy performed in mice cured from GBM after high TMZ cumulative dosage (980-1400 mg/Kg) revealed lymphoma incidence.